Chapter Eleven

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Seven POV

  I will kill Six and Mono when they get back. They shouldn't run off like that. I am happy that they finally kissed thought. The idoits they are I thought it would never happen. I wait for them to return when I hear a sound. "What was that?" I wander farther into the building against my better judgement. "Hello?" I call. I walk towards a doorway and I peek around the corner.
  I see a nome trapped in a cage. The poor thing. "Hey there." I start walking forward and the nome shakes it's head and waves it hands, it must be scared, and it's trying to make me leave. I can't leave the poor thing. "It's okay." I say. I trip over something and I look behind to see it's a rope. Suddenly the roof starts caving in. I scream.


  I smile at Mono as I wear his coat. It's warm and soft. It smells like him with a mix of that disgusting sludge we trudged through to escape from that monster. "Come on let's head back and see if Seven wants to kill us." Says Mono. We walk back following Mono's footprints. We near the building we were in and I hear a scream. I run towards the building and hear a loud rumbling sound. I run into the room we were in and see no Seven. I find a doorway and see rubble coming out of it.
  "SEVEN!" I scream. I fall to my knees tears gathering in my eyes. Mono comes over and puts his arms around me, comforting me. "Seven." I say. "I know. I know." He comforts me as I cry. I lost Seven, he was like a brother to me. He was the closest to family I had. We sit there as I cry.

Seven POV

  I cough as I sit up. I groan and reach in my pocket finding my flashlight. I turn it on and I see pieces of concrete around me. I look up and see a big hole filled with rubble above me. "Not getting out the way I came in." I mutter. I cough again and look around. I hear the sound of a nome chattering. I find the nome trying to warn me it's still in it's cage. "Might as well help you out." I pull on the cage door and it finally pops open. The nome runs out towards me and I hug it picking it up.
  I set the nome down and it reaches a hand up. I grab it's hand and we walk around trying to find a way out.

Mono POV

  I wasn't close to Seven but a few tears slip out of my eyes. Six is sobbing on the floor. I pull her onto my lap as she cries. "Shh. It's okay Six." I murmur as I hold her in my arms. "I lost SEVEN!" She practically screams at me. "I know, I'm sad too. But we need to leave. If there was a trap here there's monsters here as well." "How are you sure it was a trap?" I grab a piece of rope lying under a piece of rubble. "This is how, it was rigged to collapse." She stares at the rope for a minute.
  She wipes her eyes and stands up. "Okay, let's go." I grab her hand and we walk out of the building. We trudge through the snow and I eventually pick up Six so it's easier on her. We walk around until I hear familiar tune. "Is that-" "Yes." I say to Six. I here her music playing somewhere nearby. I finally find the tv and I see that on screen is her music box. It's playing it's music. Last time I saw this it showed me Six and relented when I tried to warp through it.
  I go up to it and waste no time trying to warp through it. It relents some but lets me through. As we land on the ground somewhere again my skin feels glitchy. I put down Six and roll up my jacket sleeve. My arm looks staticky. What? "Mono?" I quickly roll down my sleeve and look down at Six. "Yeah?" She looks around. "Where are we?" I look around myself. We're in a small town. There's snow on the ground but not as thick as the last place we were. "I don't know, but let's try to find some warmer clothes." Six nods and stands up next to me. We walk around and eventually crawl through a window into a store of some kind.
  There's dolls everywhere. Luckily, there's boxes of clothes to dress the dolls up in. Six picks a pale yellow coat with a white fur trim around the hood.

  I find myself a pale blue scarf, matching earmuffs, and matching gloves

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  I find myself a pale blue scarf, matching earmuffs, and matching gloves.

  I find myself a pale blue scarf, matching earmuffs, and matching gloves

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  I find us some brown boots and some socks. We put them on and seeing Six in her yellow winter coat, she looks cute. We climb through window back outside. I grab her hand and we walk around. We find a park and I see a swing. I run over to it and wipe the snow off the seat. "Here Six! I can push you on the swing!" She comes over and sits on the swing. I start pushing her and she starts to laugh.
  She starts swinging really high and I start laughing with her. This is perfect. When the swing starts to slow down Six jumps off of it into the snow. I run over to her and see her waving her arms and legs making a snow angel. I lay next to her and do the same. I stand up and look at mine, it looks good. Six stands next to me and we look at the angels together. "It's perfect." I murmur. Six nods and I put my arm around her. We go over to a bench and I wipe off some snow. We craw up onto the bench and sit down together. We watch the sun set together and everything is perfect.

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