Chapter Four

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  I wake up and still see Six is sleeping, I don't wake her but I go into the next room to study the damage in the roof. It's not too bad. A few boards and we could fix it right up. I go back outside and find a tv I can use for teleporting over the city to get supplies. I drag it upstairs and leave it in the room with the hole. I then write a quick note telling Six and Seven that I'll be right back that I went to get wood to fix the roof. I warp through the tv thinking that there might be a hardware store somewhere close by. I jump out of the tv in the store and see I am in a hardware store.
  I look around and find some boards, I find a hammer which I put in a coat pocket before looking for nails. I hear a strange sound and look around a shelf to see a monster. It has a hardhat on and it looks like one of its hands is a hammer. I swallow a lump and continue looking for nails. When I find them I shove a pack into a pocket and carry the wood over to the tv. I try to put it all in one arm so I can warp through the tv with the other but a board hits the ground making a clunking sound.
  I hear a growl and quickly pick up the board and start to warp through the tv. Right as I make it through I see a saw coming for me. I fall onto the floor of the room with the hole and breathe a sigh of relief. "Mono?" I look up and see Six standing over me. "Hi, I went to get boards." She laughs. "You think I can't read?" I laugh too. "Ok, you have a point." I stand up and brush myself off and drag the boards over to the hole. I see Seven standing in the doorway watching me and Six and I wave him over.
  "Hey Seven, help me clean up." We move the trash, pictures, and broken armchairs out of the room. We then push the shelves under the hole and I climb up them carrying the boards with me. I arrange them to cover the hole and use the nails and hammer to keep them down. I then walk down the stairs outside the room I'm in and call out to Six. "Hey Six! Help me!" She runs out of the room and holds out her hand. "I'll catch you!" I really hope she will, or else this will hurt. I jump down and Six catches my hand. She pulls me up.
  "Thanks." She smiles and nods. We go into the next room and I see I fixed the hole well. "Ok, we need a fridge, food, water, some things we can use to sit on-" "Mono, stop, you don't want to stay here forever do you?" Six asks. I look at her surprised. "No? We just need some stuff to stay comfortable until we find a place to stay, we won't stay here permanently." As much as I do want to stay here I want to get away from that damn Signal Tower more. "I promise you Six, the moment you think of a place to go we'll go there." I pause to take her hand in mine. "Together."
  She smiles and kisses my cheek. "Ok, I'll start thinking then." I smile as well. "Don't think too hard." She giggles and I'm conscious of Seven in the room. I turn and see him watching me, judging me. I shrug it off and turn back to Six. "You know, we could travel anywhere, we don't have to stay in one place, we can see this screwed up world and be afraid of it together." She laughs.
  "I'll think about that." I look around and feel like this room is bland. "We need something to brighten up this room." I look around and eventually find a camera. "Hey Six, we can take a picture together!" I say running back into the room. She smiles. "Yeah, all of us can take a picture together!" I set up the camera and set a countdown on it before joining Six and Seven. The camera flashes and I go over to it taking the picture out and watching it develop.

 The camera flashes and I go over to it taking the picture out and watching it develop

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  "We look good." Says Six. I smile. "Yeah, we all look great." I hang up the picture with a nail and smile at it. "The room looks better already." I smile at Six and she smiles back. Seven goes up to the picture and smiles himself. "Yeah, this looks good." Six yawns and I pick her up bridal style carrying her over to the couch. I lay her down and lay next to her. "Goodnight Six." "Goodnight Mono." She falls asleep and I kiss her forehead hoping she has good dreams. I look to see Seven curling up at the end of the couch.
  As soon as I'm sure they're both asleep I go to the tv in the other room. I warp through it and end up in a random apartment. I look around until I find what I'm looking for and quickly warp back. I go back to the couch and unfold the blanket I found. It's big enough that we all can use it. I cover up Seven, then I go over to Six and cover myself and her up as I lay down. "Now we're all warm." I murmur as I fall asleep.

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