🔮Ch.20: After a Heartfilia & a PokéMage🔮

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As the battle of Fairy Tail vs Phantom Lord rages on, Mira waits in the bowels of the guild's basement with only worry on her mind.


Lying in the middle of a cobblestone road, Lucy's Gate Keys glimmer, catching the eye of a strange dark-feathered bird that is one of many a certain PokéMage tasked with patrolling the town for signs of trouble.


In Oak Town, sounds of hard battle and explosions can be heard from the edge of town going on within the Phantom Lord branch building. But despite the power displayed by the Fairy Tail wizards, the members of Phantom Lord weren't backing down.

Naatsu wielding his fire and Gray freezing them in icy structures.

Another horde lunges for Cana, but the Card Magic wizard is ready for them.

"Card Magic: Lightning! Reverse Tower! Lover!" She calls, golding up the respective Tarot cards. "Fate of Lightning!" The combination of cards generating a massive electric shock that strikes down numerous Phantoms.

"Ring Magic: Twister!" From one of Loke's rings, a powerful wind storm is called upon, sweeping up dozens of opposing wizards, as well as a couple of chairs and tables.

Raising his arm above his head, Elfman roars, ready for battle, as his arm undergoes a partial Take-Over into a reptilian-looking beast's arm. He then sends several Phantoms flying back with the Beast Arm's strength. "Come on, man up! Don't you wanna be like me?!"

"Well, that guy's a brute."

"What happened to his arm?"

"It's Take-Over Magic."

"Why would anyone let a monster take over their arm?"

"You guys, that's Elfman!"

"I've heard of him. He kills monsters, then absorbs their power. They call him 'Beast Arm' Elfman."

Dark cackling is heard from above. Everyone looks up to see Gajeel drop down from the rafter and crashes down below, creating a large cloud of smoke. Through the billowing dust, the Phantom Lord wizards can easily make out the Dragon Slayer, despite his face being obstructed.

"Who's that?"

"It's gotta be..."

(First Name) turns her attention from the poor Phantom whose face is currently being squeezed in a vice grip by just her hand. "'Black Steel' Gajeel... The Iron Dragon Slayer." Her (Eye Color) eyes become animalistic as they zero in on the one she wants to aim her building rage at.

Nab is the first to go on the attack at the wizard's arrival. "You attacked Levy!"

But despite his bold efforts, Nab is batted away by Gajeel's arm transforming into an iron club, connecting right in Nab's midsection and sending him flying, taking out a few Phantoms in the process.

"Aw, man." Loke gawks.

"What the--? He just knocked out his own guild mates with that attack." Gray freezes in shock.

"It's clear that they don't have the same bonds among guild mates as we do." Ur states, narrowing her gaze at the opposing Dragon Slayer.

Gajeel jumps from the roof of the bar, joining those of the lowest floor, reverting his arm back to normal. "Show me what you got. Unless you scum are too scared to face the great Iron Dragon Slayer."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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