~Ch.8: (First Name) vs. Natsu vs. Erza~

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It had only been a few days since the Eisenwald and Lullaby demon incident, but to (First Name) and her Pokémon, it felt like forever as she's been going out of her way to fix every ounce of destruction caused by herself and her fellow guildmates. But on the bright side, she has Kageyama to talk to.

And she was going to chew Master Makarov and her friends about leaving her behind to clean up their messes again, but ultimately decided against it when she heard about them getting lost in Clover Canyon and their run in with an entire village that was possessed in a magic circle which caused it and all the villagers to be turned into monsters.

On the bright side, however, upon reaching the PokéManor the PokéMage discusses Kageyama's welcoming into the guild over a communication lacrima crystal.

While (First Name) changes into a new set of clothes and does up her hair, Pika-Chan and Chu-Kun are off showing Kageyama around the manor, since he has chosen to stay with her and unknown to the Pokémon wizard because of her. But the girl's Pokémon weren't as oblivious as their Trainer. They saw how much attention she got from the males she passes by. Her guildmates, however, are a whole other story. They'll fight for her affections when she's not looking or around.

It's not that (First Name) didn't care or couldn't return affection. But being raised by Pokémon for the majority of her life didn't exactly teach her too much about human attraction.

(First Name) quickly restocks her bag with necessary supplies and, with the help of Kageyama, feeds all the Pokémon on the grounds. And it seems the shadow wizard had befriended a Sneasel that (First Name) had rescued a while back.

 And it seems the shadow wizard had befriended a Sneasel that (First Name) had rescued a while back

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Though cautious around the human newcomer, the Sharp Claw Pokémon eventually warmed up to him.

Seeing how a former Dark Guild member could earn the care of a Pokémon made (First Name) come to a great decision. She gives Kageyama the choice of keeping Sneasel as his own Pokémon.

Though questioning the PokéMage's sudden faith in his ability to care for a creature of her homeworld she responds that his actions during the Lullaby incident showed he could trust him.

(First Name) and Kageyama then head out to take on whatever challenges the day may throw at them, unknowing of the trouble brewing for their guild.


In Era, another meeting of the Magic Council is in affect.

"The Eisenwald guild may have been defeated, but that is only one small victory in a much larger battle." Informs Magic Council Chairman, Doma. The Chairman, despite his age, is a rather tall and fit man with long graying hair and a long beard. He is moderately clad in fitted armor; has an ornate cape draped over his shoulders. He also sports a stereotypical wizard hat. Also seems to carry around a large staff with a designed serpent head on it.

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