~Ch. 5: Wind Beneath a Fairies Wings~

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On a cliff, overlooking Kunugi Station, Fairy Tail's strongest team listens in on what had just transpired only moments ago

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On a cliff, overlooking Kunugi Station, Fairy Tail's strongest team listens in on what had just transpired only moments ago.

"Some guy with a scythe and a bunch of his lackeys took over the train!"

"I think I know who they are. They're the Dark Guild punks who've been hanging around town the past few weeks."

"I can understand cars and boats, but why'd they want to hijack a train?" Lucy inquires, as she sticks her head out the window of the group's magic-mobile looking over the cliffside.

"It doesn't seem like it'd be a very good choice for getaways, since it can only follow the tracks it's on." Happy adds.

"Yes, that's true." Erza agrees. "But they are quite fast."

(First Name) thinks silent, yet very seriously about the actions of the Dark Guild. "Maybe it's not about a getaway, but perhaps getting somewhere fast."

Natsu is currently trying to keep in his lunch. And Gray is now down to his underwear again.

"Well, whatever they're up to, I guess it's up to us to figure out where those Eisenwald guys are going in such a big hurry and why." Gray says.

"You're naked, Gray!" Lucy exclaims.

"Am I?" Gray questions as he looks down to see that the celestial wizard is right.

Pika-Chan and Chu-Kun leap onto their Trainer's shoulders and cover her eyes trying to prevent such an indecent view.

"The military's already been called into action, so it should only be a matter of time before someone catches them." Lucy continues.

"I hope that's the case, Lucy." Erza says before starting up the magic-mobile and continues on.

"Not to insult the military and not have any faith in them, but when's the last time they caught criminals before they already accomplish what they've set out to do?" The Pokémon wizard wonders aloud.

Pipipichuchu (You've got a point there.)

~Meanwhile on the Hijacked Train~

Kageyama dodges Erigor's massive scythe just as he was about to bring it down on his head. The weapon slices up the train seat like butter.

The Eisenwald guild master is an extremely tall, lean-built and yet mildly muscular man with silver hair, which is held pointing upwards in spiky strands on top of his head, but hangs down to the left of his face in a distinctive tuft, sometimes partially covering it, and reaching down to his shoulders. His eyes are dark and he has an elongated face with sharp features and somewhat pointed ears, but seems to lack eyebrows. His eyes are circled by dark lines and each of them has a simple tattoo right below it, consisting of a pointed line going down vertically, crossed with two more, larger horizontal lines. The upper part of his body is similarly tattooed, but with much larger, intricated and blue-colored motifs, which take on spiraling forms, and adorn his shoulders, biceps, pectorals and back. He dons a torn Japanese-like outfit befitting to his nickname. He is shown bare-chested, with all of his tattoos visible, and his lower body is covered in different layers of clothing: he sports a long, worn skirt, reminiscent of a hakama, below a darker, shorter cloth, held up by an even lighter and shorter one tied like a belt. He has a black scarf wrapped around his thin neck, with its edges hanging on his back and traditional geta sandals on his feet. His attire is completed by a pair of distinctive dark gloves, each adorned by a light "X" on the back, and by bandages wrapped around his forearms.

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