~Ch.14: Final Battle & Confrontations on Galuna Island~

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"You wouldn't." Lyon retorts. "You're not brave enough to give your life. You're nothing but a coward."

"Just watch me." Gray states calmly before bellowing his very soul out as he gathers his energy for the spell.

"GRAY!" (First Name) cries out in anguish.

Gray's final thoughts flash in his mind. 'Natsu, Erza, all my friends in Fairy Tail...the rest is up to you. I don't wanna leave you, but my time is up. (First Name)...I'm sorry. I would've liked to stay by your side even if just a little while longer.'

"Iced She—"

Before he could complete the final movement of the spell, he's suddenly smacked away and goes flying into the icy wall, startling both Lyon and Natsu. (First Name) stands off to the side, her head down, shadowing her eyes, breathing heavily and her arm outstretched in the direction that Gray had gone flying.

"(First Name)! What's gotten into you?!" Gray's voice reverberates off the icy walls of the room.

"What's gotten into me? What's gotten into me?! WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU, GRAY!? I DID NOT SAVE YOU FOR THE SECOND TIME IN YOUR LIFE, JUST SO YOU COULD GO AND THROW IT AWAY YET AGAIN!" The PokéMage roars, the ice cracking from the sheer amount anger she's giving off.

Natsu cuts in before the Pokmon wizard can continue chewing the ice wizard out. "yeah. You can't just bust in and steal the scene deal with a bunch of fancy talk. Get to the back of the line, pal."

"Back of what line?" Gray demands.

"I was here first, so it's my fight." Explains the pinkette with his childish logic and a smug look about on his face. "And if I somehow lose, (First Name)'s next to fight him."

The ravenette, ice wizard lifts himself to his feet, ready to argue, as the two usually do. "What? When I got here, the first words out of my mouth we're 'leave him to me'."

"Yeah, and I said 'no way, man' like a second after that."

"Why you—"

"What? You want some?"

Gray Immediately snatches Natsu by his prized scarf. "I don't care who said what, I've got a score to settle with him, you understand? And I'm ready to die if that's what I gotta do."

A soft hand then suddenly grasps Gray's wrist to the arm hold Natsu, trapping it in a vice. "And what will you dying hope to solve, Gray?" (First Name) asks in all seriousness. "All you're doing is running away is what it sounds like to me. What you were just about to do was totally selfish! And what are we supposed to tell everyone back at the guild? Huh? That exact same guild that's full of people who care about you! How are we supposed to tell them that you died sacrificing yourself when you know full well that we were by your side the entire time?"

Gray at least had the nerve to look ashamed as he's taken aback by the young woman's harsh, yet true words.

Before the ice wizard could argue, the temple begins to rumble and shake, drawing all who were present's attention towards the icy room's ceiling.

"What now?" Natsu shouts out in frustration.

"The temple..." (First Name) breathes. "It's straightening back into position!"


Erza slashes through several of Lyon's followers outside the temple.

Lucy whips away a few as well.

Even Happy got in on the action, stuffing several large foodstuff down one of the hooded follower's throat, holding a giant watermelon over his head threateningly. "Eat this!"

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