~Ch.11: (First Name) and Natsu vs. Yuka the Wave User~

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In the temple ruins, Gray lays face down on his stomach, covered in numerous scratches and bruises, bouncing between consciousness and unconsciousness. His once fellow apprentice, Lyon, is nowhere in sight. The dark bluenette's thoughts wavering to a point in his past where he was stuck in this exact same position during his training with Ur when he was younger.


Gray lays face down in the snow in nothing but his blue trunks/underwear.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me you're giving up that easily." A familiar woman's silhouette stands by a young Gray's fallen form. "Get up, Gray. Get up, Gray."


The voice begins to fade before another one takes its place, this time belonging to a male.

"Get up, Gray." The new voice belongs to Natsu, now standing over the fallen Gray—still entrapped within Lyon's ice sphere—with a deep scowl on his face. "Man, you look rough. He beat the snot out of you, huh?"

"Natsu, lay off." Another familiar voice scolds the pinkette. Gray can turn his head just enough to see a familiar Pokémon wizard with her Charizard behind her and her two Electric mice and Shiny Riolu by her side. "This has been a hard day for him."

"(First Name). . .Natsu. . ." Gray groans. "What are you doing here?"

(We found pyro here wandering around lost trying to find his way back to the village.)

"You don't have to say it like that. Makes me sound like a directionally-challenged moron!"

Pikachukachupikapikachu. (That's probably because you are one.)

The Shiny female Pikachu giggles lightly.

"We already had the village in our sights, so we thought we'd lend a hand. We were planning on circling back for you anyway, Gray." (First Name) informs. She takes one of the ice wizard's arms and loops it over her shoulder.

"Wait. I can walk." Gray argues weakly. But (First Name) still keeps a secure grip on the dark bluenette's arm. "Where's Lyon?"

"Don't know. By the time we made it back, everybody had vanished." Natsu explains.

Gray's eyes widen as he loses the ability to stand properly. But thanks to (First Name)'s grip, he doesn't manage to hit the ground. She begins leading him over to her Charizard.

Boarding the Fire-Flying Type's back, she places Gray with his backside leaning against her front.

The ice-make mage doesn't even have the energy to blush as his head is snuggled against the PokéMage's soft chest.

"We need to get moving." (First Name) advises. "Lucy and Happy went ahead to warn the village. But I don't know what a celestial wizard, a cat with the ability to sprout wings and fly and the entirety of the villagers can do if Lyon's three lackeys turn out to be wizards."

Charizard takes hold of Natsu mostly ice entrapped form in his front arms, before they all take to the skies.

Despite the serene, quiet atmosphere, painful memories begin resurfacing in Gray's mind.


"No way! Deliora is out of your league, Gray. It'll kill you. Don't go." Ur beseeched to him back when he was but a stubborn child.

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