🔮Ch.18: (First Name) the PokéParent🔮

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~This is the mysterious East Forest found in Magnolia. A place overflowing with magical power, and which many tales are told.~

After the eventfulness that was the completion of the Galuna Island mission and the Changeling mishap, (First Name) was just glad to have some time to relax with her Pokémon. She had strayed from taking any missions too strenuous or far, as she now has two newborns in her care.

Manaphy was especially tuckered out after having to help revert the Fairy Tail guild members back to their original bodies.

Right now her self-proclaimed sister, Trixie the Togepi, is watching over her as she slumbers away in a makeshift bed (First Name) made out of a basket.

Right now her self-proclaimed sister, Trixie the Togepi, is watching over her as she slumbers away in a makeshift bed (First Name) made out of a basket

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As of today, Natsu and Happy had invited her and Lucy to go fishing.

"Oh, come on. I have a novel to write, you know. Why did you have to drag me along and you're stupid fishing trip?" Lucy huffs.

(First Name), however, is quite used to the blue cat's strangeness.

"Stop complaining. Besides, you just said you had writer's block, didn't you?" Natsu remarks.

"Aye. And nothing can get your creative juices flowing like a change of pace." Happy adds.

Lucy slams the book she was reading shut. "Yeah, but why does it have to be fishing?"

"'Cause fish is my very most favoritest food, of course." The blue cat drools.

"You're missing the point. I'm asking why I have to fish for your favorite food." Lucy argues.

At that moment, Natsu's line gets tugged. "Wow! I got one!"

"Watch out. Looks like a whopper!"

"Leave it to me!" With the mighty tug, Natsu forces the fish to surface.

"It's huge!" Lucy gawks at the fish's sheer size.

"Uppa!" Happy exclaims out of nowhere, confusing Lucy enough to cuddle (First Name's) little Togepi closer, who she left in her care while she does her more on-hand fishing, hoping that by doing so she can keep her sanity.

"What does that even mean?"

Pict Magic wizard, Reedus, chuckles as he paints the moment in his sketchbook. "Look at that. Just like the good old days."

"Fishy Wishy, nummy yummy, get in my tummy! Uppa! Yum!" Happy sings as he and Plue dance about, leaving Lucy to sweatdrop at their behavior.

"I knew you were immature, but this is a new low."

Meanwhile, Natsu grills up the large fish they caught over an open fire, courtesy of his magic, much to Happy's horror.

"Oh, yeah. That looks tasty." Natsu smirks, impressed.

Fairy Tails of a PokéMage (Pokémon/Fairy Tail X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now