~Ch.13: Do What Comes To Mind~

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Happy and Lucy gawk at Gray's statement, looking between him and the Pokemon wizard.

"Ur is very much alive. She's an S-Class wizard in our guild." Happy points out.

"But how does this relate to (First Name)?" Erza questions.

Gray remains quiet for a while before deciding the best way to explain things is to start from the beginning. "It's been 10 years."


Deliora roars as it tramples through a burning town it had just destroyed.

"Deliora attacked my hometown. I've never seen such destruction." Gray tells his story. "The whole place was wiped out in less than a day.

Without a shred of remorse, the titanic demon stomps away from the decimated buildings and broken and burnt bodies it left in its wake.

The following morning, the dark clouds above are giving way for the sun to peek through and shine down on the singed pile of rubble that used to be a flourishing town.

Two pairs of footsteps echo off the fallen buildings as they walk on the amazingly unscathed stone street. The buildings had been crushed, burnt and dispersed in every which way.

A dark-purple, almost black-haired woman, accompanied by a small spiky, white-haired boy take in the destruction surrounding them.

The woman pauses at the center of some of the damage. "I've head of Deliora's destructive power, but I never expected this."

Soft groans from a young dark navyette boy trapped under some rubble catches the woman's attaention.

She gasps, shocked that someone so young could've survived such a massacre. "Lyon!" She calls out to the white-haired boy. "Get over here! We've got a survivor!"

The white-haired boy sprints away from the pile of building rubble he was looking over.

"Hey! Are you alright?!" Lyon asks frantically, kneeling down to the injured boy.

The boy groans one last time before forcing his eyes open. His vision blurry at first, before they adjust to find the worried expression of the woman and boy.

"Ur and Lyon found me." Gray continues, revealing the boy who survived such a tragedy to be a younger him and the woman and boy to be a younger Ur and Lyon. "They pulled me from the rubble."

Throughout the day, well into sunset, Ur and Lyon created a makeshift cemetery for all those who perished in the attack the night before. Sadly amongst those was Gray's parents.

The dark bluenette places some hand-picked flowers in front of the wooden beam that was used as grave markers for the buried. "Deliora, you're gonna pay for this." Gray murmurs, tears flowing down his cheeks and his teeth gritting together as he struggles to remain strong. "I'll stop you, I swear it."

Ur and Lyon watch from afar in a respectful silence, pitying the now orphaned boy.

"That vow...is how it all began."


Snow falls ever softly, followed by and icy breeze.

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