🔮Ch.17: Body Swap Swoiree🔮

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Once reaching the guild, Erza wastes not a second to kick open the doors, announcing their arrival without words and earning many startled looks from the members lounging about.

"Is Master Makarov here?" Erza calls out as they all enter.

"You're finally back from your island getaway." Mirajane approaches with her usual warm smile. "So how was it? Did you have fun?"

"Not that kind of trip, sadly, Mira." (First Name) replies, holding her newborn Togepi in her arms.

"Uh, Mirajane, I wouldn't joke with her right now." Lucy mutters, waving her arms for emphasis. But the woman's attention is drawn to the trilling of a certain Pokémon newborn.

"And who's this little cutie?" The white-haired pinup model of the Fairy Tail guild leans to the Egg Pokémon in the PokéMage's arms. "A new addition?"

"Yup. Her name's Trixie. She hatched while we were away." (First Name) explains.

"Well, she's just adorable~"

The guild members then begin to crowd around to get a better look at the newest member of the family, fawning over her and cooing.

"Where is Makarov?" Erza demands, becoming impatient at being ignored.

"He went out of town for some kind of last-minute council meeting or something like that. He's been gone since yesterday." Macao informs.

"Whew." Natsu, Happy and Gray sigh in relief at being spared from "that" punishment if only for a while longer.

"Well, that was a close one." Natsu beams.

Gray pumps his fist with renewed energy. "Yes, we won't have to deal with that until Gramps gets back."

"At least for now, anyways." Kage mumbles, earning agreeing nods from the PokéMage and her Electric mice.

"Oh, thank goodness. I wasn't ready to stare into the face of death. I've still got eight more lives." Happy blubbers joyously out of relief.

"I can't stand it any more!" Lucy shrieks in desperation, not being able to take not knowing what she will possibly be facing for taking an S-Class quest without approval. "You guys are really freaking me out! How is he gonna punish us? I can't die now. I'm still young and I have so much to look forward to."

"All of you, shut up." Erza snaps, glaring down upon all of them, scaring them half to death.

Natsu and Gray hug one another out of fear while Lucy cowers begins (First Name) and Happy nuzzles in her arms alongside the Togepi.

The Pokémon wizard is not fazed by the cold stare in the slightest.

"Do you know when the master is planning to return?" The armor-wearing redhead asks once more.

"No, but I would imagine he'll be coming back anytime now." Mirajane answers.

Erza faces the rule-breakers with a less harsh, but still firm, look. "Now, listen up you fools. You're not getting off the hook. You broke guild rules by taking on that S Class quest. Prepare to be punished."

The rule-breakers process to hug on (First Name) in hopes that staying by her side their punishment would be light.

"How do I prepare myself when I don't know what's gonna happen?" Lucy inquires panickingly.

"Well, it was nice knowing ya." Wakaba takes a drag from his cigarette. "It's a crying shame."

"It's become a normal event for Natsu and Gray, but you Lucy... poor girl... Let's just say afterwards you'll never want to break guild rules again." Ur states with a sly smirk as she cradles Trixie in a motherly embrace.

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