🔮Ch.16: Destroy the Moon, Free the Villagers🔮

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(First Name)'s guildmates and the villagers look at the beautiful feather held gently between her (Skin Color) fingers incredulously.

"A...feather?" Lucy trails off, greatly confused.

"How is a feather going to help us with the villager's moon problem?" Natsu begs the question on everyone's mind.

(First Name)'s response to their obvious confusion is to giggle. "You'll see."

You guys are in for a treat.

Auron grins.

"What do you mean?" Gray inquires.

Master, rarely calls for one of her own teachers to lend their help, so get ready to see something pretty amazing.

"Her teachers? You mean the Legendaries?" Happy queries. "She's calling another one of them here?"

"Seriously?! We get to see two of the actual Legendaries live and in person in one night!?" Natsu beams ecstatically.

"Considering this is the only way to return the villagers back to normal, yes." (First Name) answers.

The villagers then begin to cheer and awe at the PokéMage's proclamation.

"They're really gonna do it! We get to watch it happen!"

"That's right. And we're all finally gonna be human again!"

Natsu is quick to join the Pokémon wizard's side. "Where should we go to call your teacher? To the top of the temple?"

She shakes her head. "No, right here will be perfectly fine. The villagers can't go near the temple and they need to be here to see this." She strides past the group of villagers to stand before the ominous purple moon.

"I don't know what she's thinking. I mean, she can do some amazing things, but still." Gray murmurs.

"So, what do you think she's gonna to do to it?" Lucy squeaks. "Does she really have a teacher that can destroy the moon?"

"This is exciting, huh?" Happy beams from atop the Shiny Riolu's head.

"More like terrifying." The blonde Celestial wizard sulks.

"Now, then..." (First Name) outstretches her hand above herself, letting the feather be bathed in the moonlight. She shuts her eyes and begins to speak softly."Oh, Mistress of the Moon, I'll call you in need of your assistance. This moon is suffering and in need of your aid."

Her eyes shoot open as the feather begins to glow with an ethereal light and she begins to call forth louder. "Oh, Lunar Pokémon, Master Cresselia! I ask of your help in righting the wrong done to the symbol of your being!"

At her final word, the heavenly light from the feather spreads to encompass and swirl around the entire village, nearly blinding anyone who looked for too long. After a few moments the light returns to the center of the village before bursting like a soundless firework.

As everyone tears their hands or arms, which were shielding their eyes, away from their views, they are all shocked to see the being seemingly formed from the light.

The creature has a blue, swan-like body with a yellow underside. Pink eyes, a dark pink, round tuft on her head, and a pointed, beak-like snout. There are yellow, crescent-shaped ornaments on the sides of her head, along with glowing, pink, ring-like wings on her sides and back with paw like protrusions resting on her chest.

 There are yellow, crescent-shaped ornaments on the sides of her head, along with glowing, pink, ring-like wings on her sides and back with paw like protrusions resting on her chest

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