~Ch.9: The Cursed Island of Galuna~

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Upon the next morning at the PokéManor, mouthwatering smells emit from the estate's enormous kitchen, as (First Name) prepares more Pokémon food by the bulk as well as preparing a delicious people breakfast.

Pikapikachu? (Are they done yet?)

Pika-Chan, with Chu-Kun atop her head, look over their Trainer's shoulder at the various cut up berries she's stirring in a pot.

"Not quite." (First Name) chuckles at her Electric-Type's impatience. "They still need to cool."

Piiiiiii. Pichupichuchu. (Awwwww. But we're starving!)

The little Pichu flops dramatically from his sister's head and onto the table.

This elicits bits of laughter from (First Name) and Kageyama.

"Alright, drama queen. Hold your Rapidashes." The PokéMage takes the pot of mashed up berries and pours them into a poffin mold. Poffins are a type of Pokémon food she learned to make from a sweet bakery lady when traveling around the Sinnoh region of the PokéWorld.

She then brings the filled-up mold close to her face, as she takes in a deep breath. "Ice-Type: Icy Wind." From her mouth, a gust of chilled air is expelled over the Pokémon food mold.

Once satisfied at the poffins texture, she dumps the poffins into a bowl for her little friends

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Once satisfied at the poffins texture, she dumps the poffins into a bowl for her little friends. "Aaaand, done! Ta-da!" She holds out the perfect poffins in all their delicious glory before then placing it between the now drooling Electric mice. "Eat up!" And that's just what they do.

(First Name) finishes up filling large containers with various types of Pokémon food including flavored food in pellet form, as well as numerous kinds of poffins to fit a specific Pokémon type of their personal preference and stacking them onto sh...

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(First Name) finishes up filling large containers with various types of Pokémon food including flavored food in pellet form, as well as numerous kinds of poffins to fit a specific Pokémon type of their personal preference and stacking them onto shelves in the PokéMansion's enormous storeroom. And with the number of Pokémon, the young girl has on the property, this entire storage area has to be restocked at least every week. Even less time in between, what with her constantly growing Pokémon family. But because of Kageyama's growing bond with Sneasel, he's decided to stay at the PokéManor full time to learn everything he's needs to know about caring for a Pokémon and to repay his attractive savior's kindness.

Fairy Tails of a PokéMage (Pokémon/Fairy Tail X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now