~Ch. 4: Erza's Return and Her Need for Assistance~

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Today was a glorious day for a certain young PokéMage. Why? Because her best friend, Erza, was returning to the guild after a long mission. The two powerful female mages had been practically sisters since they first met.

The Pokémon wizard and her two Electric types wait patiently and happily in the guild hall for their friend, and all is quiet and peaceful. At least for the moment, and if you know Fairy Tail, you'd know these moment don't last very long, so (First Name) likes to enjoy them while she can.

"Hey, Mira, can we get three beers over here, please?" A Fairy Tail guild member requests.

"Be right with you." Mirajane replies sweetly.

"So when are you and I gonna go on a date, Mira?" Wakaba Mine, a veteran mage of the Fairy Tail Guild and Smoke Magic wizard, flirts with the white-haired waitress. He is a man of average height, distinguishable by his brown hair, which is kept in an ostentatious pompadour-like style that protrudes frontwards from the top of his head in a large, curly and fluffy tuft. He is almost always seen with his eyes either closed or semi-open. His physique is peculiar in the fact that, despite Wakaba having quite a large belly, his abdominal and pectorals are well-defined. His guild mark is yellow in color, and is located near his left pectoral. His outfit usually consists of a loose, light green shirt decorated with many motifs of stylized dark-colored flowers with five petals, a pair of pants cut down below Wakaba's knees (held up by a light belt adorned with many black stars partially hidden by his shirt) and sandals held up by striped bands.

 His outfit usually consists of a loose, light green shirt decorated with many motifs of stylized dark-colored flowers with five petals, a pair of pants cut down below Wakaba's knees (held up by a light belt adorned with many black stars partially...

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"Would you leave her alone?" Laki Olietta, another fellow Fairy Tail mage and user of Wood-Make Molding Magic, scolds the older wizard. She is a slim young woman of average height with straight, pale lavender hair, set in a bowl cut-like style, with her fringe covering the left part of her forehead, and the right side exposed. She has brown eyes, and a large, dark-colored ribbon adorning the top of her head. She is always shown wearing a pair of simple glasses with oval lenses. Her outfit is composed of a light-colored coat reaching down below her waist, with dark cuffs retaining the original color on their back edges, a dark cravat tie around the collar, tight-fitting dark pants tucked inside light-colored boots with dark soles, and light colored gloves. She also has a small, dark satchel adorned by a pair of small hearts hanging on her right hip, seemingly attached to her waist.

 She also has a small, dark satchel adorned by a pair of small hearts hanging on her right hip, seemingly attached to her waist

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