~Ch.12: Lucy, Pika-Chan & Chu-Kun vs. Sherry

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It's now a standoff between the blonde Celestial Wizard plus the Electric mice siblings and the pink-haired Doll Magic user.

Lucy has her whip ready in hand, ready to go on the attack.

"You were able to close the gate even though I was in control." Sherry hums intrigued by Lucy skill.

Lucy pulls her whip taught. A proud smirk on her face. "I guess that mean I'm stronger than you."

"Well, I don't know if I would take it that far." Sherry remarks. "Remember, my powers allow me to take control over any celestial spirit that you might call for."

"Well, don't you forget that I don't just have celestial spirits on my side here." Lucy glances down at the two Pokémon by her feet. "I don't see you pulling their strings." The blonde retorts smugly causing Her opponents smirks to shift into a scowl.

'Damn! She's right!' Sherry growls mentally. 'But how? How are they impervious to my magic?! Is it just their sheer will that keeps me from turning them into adorable puppets? Or is there something else preventing my magic from taking over them?'

"And don't be so sure that I don't have a trick or two up my sleeve." Lucy takes hold of a silver key from her belt. "I've got a few powerful spirits up multiple sleeve. Open: Gate of the Canis Minor! Come, Nichola!"

From a magic circle and a burst of light, followed by the ring of a doorbell, forms a familiar shivering, snowman-like spirit.

Chu? Pipichuchu? (Plue? What is she thinking?)

Chu-Kun says snappily, questioning the Celestial Wizard's sanity with her choice in spirit.

Luckily, his evolved sister is there to calm him down.

Pikachu. Pikakachukachupikachu. Pika. (Hold on, now. I think Blondie's actually putting some thought into her fighting after all. Just watch.)

Sherry coos at the shaking spirit. "Isn't he the cutest little thing? Oh, I'm in love."

"Would you quit talking about love all the time? 'Cause it's getting pretty old." Lucy voices her clear annoyance. The two Electric-Types nodding their heads in agreement with her.

"Well, someone's bitter." Sherry grins, outstretching her hands, palms outward towards Plue. "Marionette Attack!" From her open palms, two dark pink magic circles form. "Now you're my puppet!"

As Plue runs at Sherry to attack, he's suddenly hit by a bolt of pink energy. Next thing you know, his eyes are glowing an eerie pink, exactly the same way Taurus's were glowing when he was being controlled, and a kanji meaning 'Evil' is painted in he middle of his forehead.

Lucy becomes slightly unnerved as Plue has suddenly stopped in his advance. "Hey, Plue?" She calls to her spirit hesitantly.

The little spirit's head whips to his wizard's direction, revealing to her his glowing pink eyes causing her to start. "No, not you too!"

Plue leaps at Lucy, swinging his tiny arms around wildly. But his "attack" does nothing as he's not a spirit designed for combat.

The elder Shiny Pikachu smirks down at her twin.

Pikachu. (Told you so.)

Sherry sweatdrops seeing Plue continue to punch at Lucy's booted leg while the blonde wizard just watched with her hand on her hip while the other holds her whip.

"You're kidding me!" Exclaims Sherry, disbelievingly.

Lucy smirks. "I knew you'd fall for that." The blonde Fairy Tail wizard twirls her whip around, aiming for her opponent. But the dark pinkette dodges to The avoid the strike.

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