🔮Ch.15: Demon's Revival & Village's Answers🔮

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(First Name) had always wished, prayed and dreamed she'd never have to hear that horrid sound that shakes the entire island to its core ever again.

The demon of Zeref's mighty bellow echoes from underneath the temple, nearly blowing the denizens' makeshift camp away, as well as causing the surrounding oceans to ripple.

(First Name) can only gape in terror at the demon's revival.

"Finally! The moment is here." Zalty cheers.


Meanwhile, at the temple's entrance level, the remainder of the Fairy Tail wizards arrived to feel the entire temple shaking and a loud roar echoing through the whole building upon their arrival.

"What the heck was that noise?" Lucy queries nervously. "It sounded like some kind of monster growling."

"It was probably just your stomach, Lucy." Happy suggests innocently, with the underlying intention to aggravate her.

The blonde celestial wizard deadpans in annoyance over her shoulder at the small, blue cat. "You know, you're not half as funny as you think you are."

Doubtful. Whatever it was, it definitely wasn't animal, least of all man-made.

Auron states seriously.

"So do you think that sound might have been Deliora?" Erza questions.

Lucy panics at Erza's theory. "Oh no. You mean... they brought it back to life?"

Happy gasps, spotting a familiar purple, magic circle and puts together that the Moondrip ceremony is somehow being performed at present. "See that purple light, that's the Moon Drip."

Another ear-piercing roar rings throughout the temple, scaring Lucy further.

"It must be." Erza murmurs.

"Hey, you need to eat something." Happy points at the blonde, still carrying on his 'It's Lucy's stomach' jibe.

Lucy grits her teeth and glare back at the blue feline. "And you need to shut your trap before I hurt you."

While that may be Deliora, there's someone up top performing that ceremony.

The shiny Riolu clarifies.

" Which means they haven't fully revived it yet, so we still have a chance to do something." Erza adds.

Right. Which means there's not a second to lose.

Both the Emanation Pokémon and the Requip wizard take off towards the barely holding together stone staircase to the temple's uppermost level.

"Deliora's below us." Lucy jabs her thumb towards the ground.

"Putting a stop to the ceremony is our only hope." Erza debates. "We've gotta hurry!"


Zalty chuckles darkly at the demon's newfound revival.

"You bastard..." (First Name) growls lowly. "You're gonna pay for this! You and all your ignorant zealot pals. I'll bury you beyond six-feet under for this!"

Just as she's about to go on the attack, she senses an incoming projectile and holds up her arms to block it just in time.

The object that comes flying at her makes contact with her arms crossed over her chest, causing her to skid back, but still keep her balance, is a medium-sized crystal ball.

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