~Ch.6: Flying and Fire vs. Wind~

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~The Oshibana Train Station~

The defeated Eisenwald wizards have now been tied up in group in the train station. At the same time, Erza and (First Name) take the wizard named Byard aside to extract some information out of him.

"Just forget about it, ladies." The wizard groans out, still in pain from the guild-wide battle with the powerful female wizards. "I already told you, there's no undoing Erigor's barrier. You and your buddies are stuck."

A quick spark emanating from around a still Magnemite-Gijinka (First Name) gets the smirking wizard to shut right up.

"Erza! (First Name)!"

The two female Fairy Tail wizards look away from their uncooperative informant to spot Gray on the level above them with a serious expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Erza begs the question. "I thought you were with Natsu."

"We decided to split up. Never mind that, now." He replies quickly. "Listen, I just found out Eisenwald's real target is Clover, the next town up."

"Clover?" (First Name) repeats, running through different scenarios in her head until she finally comes to a conclusion. "The Guild Masters Conference!"

"That's right. Erigor's headed there as we speak! He's planning to use the Lullaby to kill the guild masters!" Gray confirms the PokéMage's suspicions.

"You just lost your chance at a less painful way to meet your end!" (First Name) snarls as she rains down Thunder Shocks upon the poor wizard.

"You just lost your chance at a less painful way to meet your end!" (First Name) snarls as she rains down Thunder Shocks upon the poor wizard

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The Eisenwald wizard is charred to a crisp, but still very much alive. Even though he may not look it. But (First Name) never resorts to killing an enemy, no matter how much she thinks they may deserve it.

"There's a problem." Erza explains to Gray. "The station is surrounded by a wind barrier."

"Yeah, I know. I saw it earlier." Gray replies. "If you try to break through that thing, it'll make mincemeat out of you."

"Trust us, we figured that out the hard way." (First Name) responds after she tosses the fried Byard away.

Gray then noticed the scratches on his fellow Fairy Tail wizards, Erza's being the more noticeable of the two. "Are you both alright?"

"That's not important." Erza brushes off Gray's worries. "What is, is getting out of here."

"Erza's right. Every second we spend trapped here, Erigor gets closer and closer to getting what he's always wanted: Seeing those he believes are responsible for taking away his rights wiped from the face of Earthland. We need to stop Erigor before he reaches the conference."

Erza is brought out her deep thinking. "Wait a minute. I remember them talking about somebody named Kage back at the pub."

"You mean the shadow manipulating wizard?" (First Name) queries.

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