Avada Kedavra

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Loki kept staring at the closed door through which Rose had dashed out hurriedly, heart heavy and hammering.

His were still glazed and mind muggled up for the effect of strong Asgardian mead still lingered in his system.

He wanted to run after her and hug her tightly. Beg her to forgive him for his splendid stupidity. Shake her hard and scream apologies till she forgives him.

But the questions hurling in his mind kept him immobile and rooted to the spot.

How could I have said such things?

How will I show her my face?

Did I lose her?

And then the disgust surfaced along with his guilt for kissing Alexa. Not that he would have ever kissed her. He would never kiss that pathetic quim even if he was sentenced to death. He was so drunk and intoxicated that moment that it was very difficult for him to differentiate between Alexa and Rose.

He just knew that he was being kissed by Rose passionately and he was returning it back with the same force.

Tearing away his eyes from the door, he sunk on his bed and dropped his thudding head in his hands. "What did I do? Oh Norns! What will I do now?" He mumbled, voice breaking.

He cursed himself and those brother and sister duo. He hated siblings.

Why everytime some random siblings appear to fuck up our relationship?

Back in Asgard, they had faced trouble from Neith and her brother Tybalt. And now, there's another duo. Alex and Alexa.

His head was spinning and paining as if Thor's worthy hammer was being banged on his head. He could feel the bile rising up his throat as he stumbled to the bathroom. Throwing up for the third time, he heaved clutching his head.

The effects of gulping down two Asgardian mead bottles had just started.

On the other hand, Rose was slumped on the ground, grinding her teeth angrily as her eyes watered. It was too much for her to tolerate.

First she witnessed her own boyfriend kissing that bitch feverishly and secondly, she was accused by the same man for something she hadn't even ever dreamt of.

"How could he say such things? How dare he?" Rose's voice wobbled with the bubbling rage and bitterness and the twisting pain in her heart was acting like cherry on top of her suffering.

"Never in my life have I ever thought about kissing any man other than him...how could he?! Is this what I deserved for putting my best faithful efforts in our relationship? Is this what I deserve?" She screeched, face red with fraustation and hands balled in fists around the blanket.

Things were strewn around the room, blankets and pillows and lamps and she lay among them, fuming and sobbing angrily.

In a fit of rage, she had tousled up her bed, throwing anything handy across the room and now when she looked around the mess she has created and the thought that she's the one who has to clean it up, it made her more bitter and angry.

But how can I be sure that you're not doing the same thing right behind my back?

"Enough! Enough! Just stop for once!" She snapped at herself, pulling at her hair to stop the voice that was continuously ringing in her head. "Just give me a break you fuckers!" She sneered but the voices, as if offended, started echoing louder.

"Will you STOP!" She growled and slapped herself hard till her cheeks were red and warm. Panting heavily she breathed out shakily and leaned against the bed, rubbing her face roughly. The voices now were distant and soft.

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