Mercy? What's that?

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"She-she has left..."

Loki even himself didn't trust the words coming out of his mouth. He couldn't believe it.

While others were still yelling and bickering, asking him about what was in the letter, he stared around himself hoping that she might leap out of a corner, giggling and shouting "gotcha!".

"Why didn't you alert us!? Why didn't you stop her?" Tony yelled at Jarvis who replied very calmly. "I was ordered not to, sir."

"Track her phone! She must have taken her phone with her!" Natasha suggested. Tony tried calling her but her phone was switched off.

"She might have taken her suit! There's a tracker in it, right?" Clint prompted. Jarvis was asked to track the suit. "Sir it's in the tower." He informed them.

Collective curses rung out.

"Maybe she's staying over her friend's house or-"

"She has no one except us! She's alone out there!" Thor spoke up for the first time. "She's out there homeless! Contact SHIELD!"

"You're right. Bruce and Thor, come with me." Tony ordered. "Natasha and Clint, go and merge among the people. Try to find her. She couldn't have left New York."

Loki was staring out of the window, his heart galloping like a crazed horse, mouth dry as the letter lay crumpled in his fist.

"I have a better plan!" Thor boomed, suddenly excited. "We can ask Heimdall! He can see everyone. Loki, we should-"

"It's not possible." Loki muttered.

"What? Come out of it brother! Collect yourself and let's leave for-"

"I AM COLLECTED THOR!" He shouted silencing everyone. "I know she's not here! And we can't ask Heimdall for help!"

"But Why?" Bruce asked.

"Because I had promised her! I was fucking stupid and I had promised her that if she gets lost it would be me who'll find her. No help from Heimdall." Loki spoke, gritting his teeth.

"Those are just silly promises Loki." Nat assured him. "You obviously can break a promise when it's needed. You have broken a lot of promises."

"You think it didn't strike me before?" Loki asked, the vein of his jaw ticking like a time bomb. "She's easier to fool only when she is ready to get fooled Natasha! I've been warned in this letter!" He lifted up the letter in air.

"It has been clearly stated that if she comes to know that I've broken my promise, she would return to me," with a deep breath, he added. "Dead."

"That's bullshit!" Tony yelled.

"What the hell is written in that letter?" Clint snapped.

"That's my personal letter! You won't read it." Loki denied.

"What the hell Loki!?" Tony stormed near him. "This isn't the time for you sneak and hide love letters and woo hoo hoo over them! She might be in great danger out there!"

Loki hesitated for a moment and then handed him the letter. Tony rolled his eyes. "Thanks a lot Loki."

I'm extremely sorry.

By the time you get the letter in your hands I would be wandering off somewhere far away from you. Somewhere where you won't find me.

Don't try to find me. I repeat, don't try to find me or look out for me. I'm out for fulfilling my goals and destiny and that's Hydra's downfall. I won't rest until each one of my sister's and aunt's murderers are dead.

Topsy-Turvy  (sequel to Hidden Beauty)Where stories live. Discover now