Love Or Revenge

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Crying makes you feel better.

But it didn't work for Rose who was slumped against the wall, silent tears still pouring out of her puffy eyes. She felt numb, her throat hurt after all the screaming.

Taking a deep swig from the bottle, she gulped it down without wincing. It tasted like plain water now, flowing down her throat, her senses fogged with alcohol but the cruel voices didn't stop ringing in her head.

A silly teenager in love.


She was scared. What if Loki had informed the SHIELD of her location and they are coming to arrest her? How will she escape and fulfill her mission? How will she avenge herself?

I would rather die than be locked in a prison. There's nothing sweeter than freedom. Nothing more enjoyable than running wild, out in this world. And I won't allow them to lock me up.

A loud rumble of thunder brought her back to the present. The downpour, after three hours, has ceased to a drizzle. Wiping her eyes and nose, she kicked away the empty bottle and stood up swaying.

"Loki might have reached the Tower till now, hatching plans with the Avengers to come and grab me." She trembled. "This place isn't safe for me now. I need to find a new place to live." Splashing cold water on her face, Rose stared out of the window.

Something felt wrong. As if she was forgetting something...

She didn't know why but found her legs walking towards the door. She stopped, hand on the knob. With a twist, she pulled open the door and was greeted by a blast of cold crisp air.

She would have closed the door shut and slither inside a warm blanket hadn't it for a bundle of clothes which caught her eyes. Rose squinted her eyes and suddenly her face crumpled and her knees almost buckled under her weight.


She ran towards his fallen body, almost slipping on the wet ground and splashed beside his unconscious frame. "Loki! Loki wake up!" She patted his cheeks and shook him hard but he lay silent and still, like a living corpse.

Drenched to the bones, he wasn't even shivering. His hair stuck to his face, limbs sprawled at his sides and face and lips as white as flour, stark contrast to his ebony hair.

"You stupid!!" She moaned in despair as she tried pulling him up but he was heavier now, wet clothes adding to his godly weight. "Loki! Please wake up!" Failing to pick him up, she wrapped herself around his drenched body and teleported to her room, on the bed.

He was still senseless, not responding when she slapped his cheeks. Fear gripped her heart as she searched for his pulse. She let out a shaky breathe when she heard his heart beat in the usual rhythm.

She stripped off his shirt and pants leaving him bare on the bed. "He's so wet. Oh God!" Pulling out his clothes from the closet, she wiped him dry and put on the garments on his cold body. Drying his hair with a towel, she sniffled silently, cradeling his head on her lap.

"Open your eyes! Loki please! Please!" Her pleads went unheard.

Belle didn't know how much time passed while she kept mumbling his name near his ear, rubbing his palms and soles, waiting for any response from him.

This was the first time she had felt him this warm and it was scaring her.

His alabaster skin now bright pink, pinker than she had ever seen him. His once cool breath now warm, hitting her face and scorching her from inside and yet, he wasn't sweating. His white lips parted as he took in small pulls of air and released them like a whiff of warm breeze, nose surely clogged up.

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