Predator And Her Prey

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The duo passed their Christmas in each other's arms, singing and laughing, kissing and cuddling, savouring each precious moments, without a care of the tomorrow and enjoyed the present.

Because deep inside they were scared for their good times never lasted long.

The next morning, the day was bright and cool and Rose could feel the hot sensual blood pounding in her private parts.

She splashed cold water on her flushed face, trying to get it cooler. If Loki sees her he won't step back from teasing her again. And her morning wasn't that great too. Not when she had emptied her stomach and dry gagged till her insides threatened to spill out too.

"I shouldn't drink that much wine before going to bed." She mumbled and splashed some water again. Huffing out a warm breath, she stretched her lips in a wide tight smile and patted her cool cheeks. "Yeah. I look fine." Picking up the breakfast tray, she went upstairs.

Loki was plopped lazily on his chest, head propped on one hand, halfway through his third book. She bit back her laugh seeing him wearing that antlers.

"I see you like your antlers." Rose announced her presence with a gleeful voice and he shot her a look.

"Ah no." He mimicked her. "I don't like this damned antlers. I'm wearing them because I don't like hair in my eyes which is damned disturbing when I'm just a few pages from the revelation of the culprit." And with another scowl he added. "And thanks Rose for hiding all your headbands and clips away from my reach."

Rose couldn't hold herself back anymore as she burst out laughing. "I'm sorry I'm not sorry. You look so cute!"

His scowl deepened.

"And why don't you just cut your hair like a normal man has." She said, placing the tray on the bed and added just to further egg him. "Like Tom."

Loki looked like he had chewed a big piece of pickle.

"No! Never!" He rolled on his back and grunted. "I don't even know how can you like that imbecile pathetic-"

"Loki." Rose stopped him with a tight smile. "Just keep it in your mind that if I had to choose in between you two," she shrugged. "I'll choose him."

His eyes widened. Rose grinned but that vanished when he smirked instead of scowling further, which she had actually expected from him.

"Oh! You will, huh?" The glint in his eyes made her regret her decision of annoying him. "Tell me darling." He purred, the word rolling down his tongue in his sexy accent dah-ling.

His fingers wrapped around her wrist and pulled her closer, gently and slowly, sly eyes racking all over her and made her shiver as if he had dragged his tongue down her body.

"Tell me, " he brought his lips on her ear, his breath brushing that sensitive spot behind her ear, "if your Tom can make you scream like I do."

He grazed his teeth on the shell of her ear that had her melting from her core. "Would he taste like a God? Could he grind you till you lay limp on the bed, reeling and trying to piece your mind back together?" And then he kissed her behind her ear making her low, sensitive parts of tighten and throb.

"No right?" He whispered, as she fisted his shirt, arching her back when he dragged his lips down her neck. She might have made some noise because he pulled back with that irking winning smirk of his and kissed her chin. "Then don't you dare to say that again because..." His voice was hushed. "My girl deserves the best."

Rose pulled back, nostrils flaring, breathless, her eyes went a bit unfocused. And then with an inhuman effort, she growled. "Arrogant ass." And then another deep breath. "Fuck you."

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