Bio and prologue

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Name: Y/n L/n

You have Heterochromia (that means you have two different eye color for those that didn't know.) And you can choose what eye color you want.

Outfit and looks:

Fusion dimension Y/n

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Fusion dimension Y/n.

Synchro dimension Y/n

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Synchro dimension Y/n.

Synchro dimension Y/n

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XYZ dimension Y/n.

Your love interest is Yuya and Yuzu

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Your love interest is Yuya and Yuzu. And your counter parts are in loved with their version of Yuya and Yuzu.

(If your confused then just watch Arc V and come Back if you understand.
Note: you are 18 years old.)

Now let's begin the story.

Y/n: Zarc! Ray!

A man with E/c1 and E/c2 eyes was watching a battle that was beyond dueling.

Zarc: You took him away from me! And if I can't have him No one can!

Ray: It's time to End this Zarc your lust for power will end here!

Y/n: I'm sorry but I need your help.

???: For the sake of the universe, we shall give you our power.

Y/n: Thank you guys, I hope we meet again.

???: For us to meet again will be an honor to serve you.

Y/n: Come on I'm not that good.

???: Don't sell yourself short little one, your determination is something we all admire and your dueling skills are that of a master. even after your death we'll all meet again.

Y/n: Thank you Neos, Blue eyes, Zubaba, and how about you junk warrior?

Junk warrior: You might not be Yusei but we'll meet again I assure you.

Y/n: Thank you, Now let's stop this once and for all!

And then a bright light enveloped your vision you heard the voices calling out your name but it all turned dark and soon you woke up back in your bed breathing heavily.

Y/n: was it a dream or a nightmare? I wonder if it's all real.

You jumped out of your bed and head straight to the bathroom and after that change into your clothes and head down stairs for breakfast.

M/n: Morning Kiddo ready for school?

Y/n: Yup, just gonna take it to go.

You pick up two pieces of toast and placed your eggs and bacon on it and closed your sandwich.

Y/n: See you later Mom!

M/n: Don't forget your Deck and duel disk.

Y/n: Oh right thanks Mom!

Yiu left the house and so your journey begins.

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