Training with Yuya

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(author's note: Im only going to put in Your duels rather than the duels in the main story.)

At paradise prep you were watching Yuya play soccer ball and scored and somehow Sora was there cheering for her. After that you ,yuya and yuzu were having lunch.

Yuya: persistent little brat.

Y/n: Calm down Yuyu, maybe he wanted to cheer you up?

Yuzu: Yeah but I wonder how he got in.

Yuya: Don't know and I don't care.

Y/n: It's okay Yuyu we can duel later at you show so you can teach me pendulum summoning as well.

Yuya: *completely not listening* Uh huh. Yeah sure.

Y/n: Alright then.

Sora: I'm a ninja!

You and Yuzu jumped from Sora appearing from the bush while Yuya was frustrated, Sora appeared under Yuya's desk when she was getting ready for her next class and even in the adjacent stall in the girls bathroom, where Yuya screamed in frustration and Surprised.

After school

You were walking to you show with depressed Yuya and with a concern Yuzu.

Y/n: Zuzu, I think Yuyu is a bit frustrated.

Yuzu: It's okay Yuya, he was trying to cheer you up.

Yuya: But-

Yuzu: and don't bring that gloom and doom in the you show.

Y/n: Yeah, Who are you and what did you do to my Fun and bubbly Yuyu?

Yuya: *giggle* I'm right here you big goof.

Y/n: I don't believe you, your all gloom while my Yuyu was all smile.

Yuya: Hahaha, Quite it already.

Y/n: Maybe a tickle session will get your mojo back.

Yuya: *nervously laughs* N-No I don't think it's That necessary.

Y/n: Oh I insist.

Yuya: *takes a few steps back and runs away* you'll never catch me alive!

Y/n: Come back here, I only wanted to tickle you!

You chase Yuya as she was laughing while yuzu was also laughing at your childish antics to cheer up Yuya. Once you made it to you show you saw frederick, ally, tate and sora...wait.

Yuya, Yuzu and Y/n: Huh?!

Frederick: Your late Yuya.

Ally: you kept your apprentice waiting Yuya.

Y/n: How did you get here so fast sora?

Sora: I'm a ninja.

Y/n: A bottle of maple syrup and then we can talk right?

Sora: Um...yes?

Y/n: *Sigh* I'll see if I can find any in the meantime please don't anger Yuyu.

Sora: ...No promises

Yuya: Please don't leave!

Y/n: I'll be back and besides I need to learn pendulum summoning with you.

Yuya: H-Huh?!

Y/n: You didn't listen to me when we were at school, didn't you?

Yuya: N-No I remember I just thought you were joking!

Y/n: I wasn't, anyways I'll see you and Zuzu later. Bye!

You left you show and Yuya was trying to remember when you asked her to teach you.

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