The girl from you show

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Random classmate: Hey y/n you heard the news right?

Y/n: Huh, no what happened?

Random classmate: A girl name Yuya sakaki has made a new summoning method and she is currently in a place call you show duel school. Wanna join?

Y/n: Nah you guys have fun I'll just work on my homework.

Random classmate: Your lost, let's go guys.

You were there answering you textbook before going home for today.

Y/n: Yuya what kind of mess did you get yourself into now?

???: Hey y/n are you doing your homework?

You looked at your side and saw Yuzu with a barely alive Yuya with her and a Harisen on her other hand.

Y/n: I'm scared to ask but what happened to her?

Yuzu: Yuya tried to do something completely stupid again and you know what happens next.

Y/n: I still wonder where you even hid that thing it doesn't even fit in your pocket?

Yuzu: I'm not gonna tell you.

Y/n: Okay but why are you two here, aren't you supposed to be in your father's duel school?

Yuzu: Yeah but I wanted to visit to see how you are doing.

Yuya: hehe...performapal hip hippo attack y/n directly~.

Y/n: *chuckle* Or is it that You wanted me to walk with you to you show?

Yuzu: *embarrassed* Uh I mean-

Y/n: It's alright I'm almost finished, give me a second and I'll be done.

Yuzu: Okay, come on Yuya.

You watch as Yuzu drag yuya with her.

Y/n: Those two are such kids.

You finished your homework and headed straight down to the Stairs while staring at your duel disk.

Y/n: Sorry to keep you waiting Yuzu!

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Y/n: Sorry to keep you waiting Yuzu!

Yuzu: It's alright.

Y/n: Need help Yuya?

Yuya: Odd eyes attack Wyvern directly~.

Y/n: I'll take that as a yes.

You carried Yuya bridal style which made Yuzu jealous.

Y/n: You coming Yuzu?

Yuzu: Yup lead the way.

Y/n: Anyways how hard did you hit Yuya, she's thinks she in a duel with me.

Yuya: Now it's time to swing into action~!

Y/n: Yuya Calm down were not in a duel.

Yuya: Hehehe...Good night honey

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now