the masked duelist Shun

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You were walking to the harbor with yuzu and sora, she was wondering why sora didn't end it, he said he wanted to show fusion summoning again and it was amusing seeing Yuzu riled up for being impatient.

???: Hey!

You, sora and Yuzu looked at a girl, you never met her but Yuzu felt uneasy you put Yuzu at your back and she blushed at your overprotective nature.

Y/n: Speak your name.

???: I'm not here for you defective, I'm here for her!

Yuzu: Masumi, what do you want?!

Y/n: So your the bitch that hurt Yuzu?!

Masumi: Do you know where the mask duelist are, The reports say that the LDS students were attacked and when they got to the scene they weren't there anymore but only the destruction of the masked duelist. Marco is suffering somewhere and I need to find him! So tell me where they are!

Yuzu: I told you I don't know!

Masumi: They why were you with them at the last incident?!

Yuzu didn't say anything but you prepared your duel disk as she prepared hers.

Masumi: If you won't talk then I'll make you talk!

Y/n: You have to get through me you egyptian Bitch!

Masumi: And who are you?

Y/n: Your worst nightmare.

Sora: I think Yuzu should duel her?

Y/n: ...You have to the count of five to rephrase that. One.

Sora: What I mean is that she need to polish her duelling skill and she would be the perfect opponent for her to duel with. Plus she can show her how strong she is.

Y/n: ...two, three-

Yuzu: Y/n, please.

You saw her doing her puppy eyes and you tried to ignore it but you failed.

Y/n: Fine, but if I see your being hurt I won't need your permission to step in.

Yuzu: At least it's better than nothing.

She prepared her duel disk and masumi looked amused.

Masumi: Did you forget how horrible you lost the last time?

You were gritting your teeth as your aura became more darker, sora is taking a few steps back as he wants to get away from the murder zone.

Masumi: How about you munchkin, let's duel.

Sora: Nah I don't want to, besides I don't want to be in the splash zone.

Masumi: Please LDS are the strongest duelist in the city, I should know I am one.

???: You're LDS?!

Someone ran passed Yuzu as you and sora were in shock, you catch Yuzu before she fell but her duel disk fell and her cards were spilled on the ground. She was blushing as you caught her in bridal style.

???: If your an LDS then I'll be your opponent!

Y/n: You okay Zuzu?

Yuzu: Y-Yeah thanks.

Y/n: Good.

You let her down and your aura darkened as your eyes did.

Familiar voice: You dumb ass!

You looked at the source of the voice and saw your edgie self as well as yuya's look a like on the containers, she jumped at him and grabbed his arm your edgie self as well jumped down but his aura was dark as well.

Yuya's look a like: Shun

Shun: Y-Y/n?! Yuto?!

Y/n and edgier y/n: Which one your talking about dumb ass?!

He looks at you and your edgie self and he was shocked.

Shun: Oh shit there's two of you.

Edgier Y/n: What have I told you before we get here?!

Shun: Um...

Y/n: You got a lot of nerves to push Zuzu away. *Cracks his knuckles*

Shun: *gulped* I Dead aren't I?

Y/n and edgie y/n: You got that right!

Shun: I'm trying to get ruri back and if you and yuto are in my way then I have to beat you as well.

Yuto: Did you really just challenge the soul fighter in our resistance shun?

Shun blinked a few times as he saw you and your other self prepare your duel disk. When he was trying to find a way to escape he saw Yuzu.

Shun: Ruri?

You and your other self stop and looked at the direction of his gaze. He took off his glasses and walked towards her.

Shun: How did you escape, how did you get here?!

He was bombarding her with questions but he was hit in the solar plexus by your edgie self he whispered something in his ear and he was knocked out.

Edgie Y/n: ...That felt fucking good.

Y/n: I know the feeling.

Yuto: *used spray bottle* Bad boys, very bad boys.

You and your other self hissed at yuto as she was using the spray bottle.

Yuto: No! no! Down doggy!

Sora: it's a good thing that Serena and yuri's others selves knows how to calm him down or we would never be here.

Edgie Y/n: But *hissed*

Yuto: Bad boy, now pick up her her cards.

Y/n and edgie Y/n: Yes ma'am.

You and your other self grabbed Yuzu's cards and gave them to her, yuto gave Yuzu her polymerization and told her it doesn't suit her. Before you could say anything you were hit by the spray bottle as well as your other self, and soon Yuzu's bracelet and let out a pink light appeared and blinded you she disappeared with your other self and shun. Yuya came by and asked Yuya something but you were in your own thoughts.

Y/n: What was that light? Why did they disappeared? This is getting to crazy for me to follow.

You turned around and saw Yuzu down as she walked away with sora while Yuya hold her polymerization card and in thought.

Y/n: why is this happening and who is causing it? And why does my other self know more than me? Does he know what is going on?

Yuya: Y/n?

Y/n: Huh, yes?

Yuya: Do you want to walk with me?

Y/n: *smile* I would love that.

You followed Yuya but your mind was still fixated on the thought, 'Has this happened to him before?'.

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