Synchro vs Xzy

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You were waking up and you found that yugo was gone.

Y/n: What the? Yuyu?!

You got off from the couch and frantically trying to find Yugi was still at the house but she wasn't.

Y/n: Don't tell me!

You ran down stairs and saw that her Duel runner was Missing.

Y/n: That idiot sector security is patrolling at this time!

You picked up your helmet and open the garage and turn on your duel runner and hit the streets.

Y/n: Come on Yuyu where the hell are you?

You search ally after ally until you decide to go to a different dimension.

Y/n: When I get my hands on her.

Until you heard sirens of sector security.

Y/n: Damnit they're coming at this corner better wing it and see where I go.

You hit the dimension hopper and soon you were gone leaving a trail of tire marks that were on fire.

Sector security: Sorry sir but Mr. Fudo has vanished.

???: Don't worry he'll come back just make sure he's under house arrest got it!

Sector security: Sir!

The come link ended and a white haired man stares at a tall looking guy on a table with wires hooked to his head.

???: I maybe here for a different reasons but even a fool can see the dangers of Mr. Yuki and his counterparts possessed.

He looks at the almost burned photo with Two girls and one boy at the middle.

???: Y/n pegasus, heir to industrial illusions and one of the most troublesome people to fight against, I know that the professor is only after Serena and her counterparts and restore his daughter but if one y/n See's either his Yuri or Serena are hurt he'll bring the end of the world. I love how easy it was stealing from you mister akaba you really should keep things in a better spot.

He laughed was echoing through out the building as it shows the building he was in.

Back with you.

You woke up and feel exhausted and sick.

Y/n: What the hell happened?

You stare at the room and found out you were in an infirmary as there was an Iv drop on the drip stand.

Y/n: What the hell happened, Why am I in here?

You can hear a ruckus outside and you tried to get up but nausea hits you and you almost barf but you suck it up and begin to slowly get there .

Y/n: Yuyu? Zuzu? Anyone there?!

Yuya: Please stop!!

Y/n: Yuyu?!

You began to pick up the paste and when you reached outside you saw Yuya and two people that looked exactly like her.

Y/n: Yuyu!

Yuya turned around and she was smiling to see you awake but you saw that those two had their eyes Glowing but the one with the cape began to calm down as she saw you.

Y/n: Why do they seem so familiar?

And soon you saw a portal open and person on a motorcycle came out of it and he skid to the side as tire marks were shown and the tire marks lit up.

???: Yugo you big idiot!!

You can see that she was not listening as she tried to attack Yuya but the girl in the cloak  pushed her out of the way and she took the hit and soon she was on the ground unable to move you got angry as your hair began to rise as well as your eyes began to glow and activate your duel disk.

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