Shun and LDS

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You were at the cuisine dueling school and you weren't able to go to yuya's duel.

Y/n: I'm so sorry Yuyu but I can't come, I'll make you something special after I'm done as a apology.

Yuya: It's alright but Im still sad though, I want something sweet.

Y/n: Okay I got your order. Good luck in your duel Yuyu.

Yuya: thank you.

You hang up your phone and continue to learn with Michio and his mentor.

Meanwhile with Xzy you.

Y/n: Yuyu do you know where that idiot is?

Yuto: No and I can know what he's doing right now.

Y/n: I am making sure he won't move for a fucking month.

Yuto: do you want me to get the spray bottle again?

Y/n: Fine...I'll make it a week.

You hissed as yuto used the spray bottle at you.

Yuto: Bad boy now go find shun.

Y/n: Wait what about you?!

Yuto: I need to spy on the LDS building and watch out for that obelisk blue.

Y/n: Fine but don't you dare die on me.

Yuto: Please, like I can be killed that easily.

Y/n: Yuyu...

Yuto: Fine I promise not to worry you.

Y/n: Okay, here's a good luck kiss.

You kissed yuto and she melted into the kissed but it was short.

Y/n: Bye love.

Yuto: You too.

You disappeared in the alley and turn on your duel disk to track shun.

Y/n: Okay shun, now where are you?

You wondered around but he keeps on moving like he's being chased.

Y/n: Either shun is chasing someone or he's being chased, either way I need to find him.

You ran towards him but you stay hidden to avoid LDS once you reach there you saw Rise falcon and a bunch of LDS students fighting him but shun clearly had the advantage.

Y/n: Well looks like their screwed.

Rise falcon attack them and their life points reached 0 and shun won.

Y/n: Shun Kurosaki!

Shun flinched and looked at you with fear.

Shun: H-Hey y/n, W-When did you get here?

Y/n: When rise falcon attack them.

Shun: Hehehe...

You walked to the defeated LDS students until a bunch of LDS appeared.

Shun: Took them long enough.

Y/n: God damnit shun.

Shun: I'm sick of fighting your so called "best students" that It bores me, bring out your boss already.

Y/n: Shun are you trying to kill us?

???: If you want me I'm already here.

You and shun saw as the LDS members moved aside and come out a guy with white and gray hair.

Shun: Who are you?!

???: I am reiji akaba and I am the president of the Leo corporation.

Shun: Reiji... reiji.

You looked at shun who was continuously repeating his name.

Reiji: Hello to you to y/n.

You and shun looked at him with surprised but you glared at him.

Y/n: How do you know my name?!

Reiji: Cause I heard about your counter part here in the standard dimension.

Y/n: Wait what?!

Shun: Tell me are you related to Leo akaba?

Reiji: Yes I am and what of it?

Y/n: No wonder he knew my name, he's not from around here.

Reiji: on the contrary I do lived here but I've been to the fusion dimension before.

Y/n: You what?!

Shun: I challenge you to a duel, Reiji!

Reiji: Why do you two duel?

Shun: I don't need to answer that.

Y/n: You know what your father is capable of.

Reiji: I see, so you two are fighting for your comrades and you are currently trying to save one from my father, is that right?

You stood frozen as he was able to know what you were fighting for and shun was shocked as well you were still thinking on if he's from here or not.

Shun: She is but we'll use you as a bartering so we can get her back.

Reiji: So your going to do a hostage exchange?

Shun: Yes and your father won't be able to say no.

Reiji: I doubt he'll care for me.

Y/n: What are you saying?

Reiji: I accepted you condition you can fight me when you win.

You were confused non what was happening and before you can say it reiji and his goons left as shun protest to fight him now!

Y/n: Explain shit stain what did you do when I dozed off?

Shun: Uh well...


Y/n: WHAT?!!


You, Yuzu and the others were in gongs dojo waiting for Yuya to duel him.

Y/n: So let me get this straight, My mom let you guys kidnapped me in my sleep and brought me here in gongs family dojo? Even this seems absurd even for you Zuzu.

Yuzu: I know and I'm sorry but I wanted to surprised Yuya.

Y/n: Then wake me up like a normal person rather than have a bunch of gongenzaka learners carry me here.

Yuzu: I know, I know. I'm sorry.

Gong: Gong was surprised that they brought you here and your still in your pajamas.

Y/n: I would love to wear something formal instead I was brought here against my own free will.

Gong: Gong can get your clothes If you would like.

Y/n: No gong, you and Yuyu are going to duel and I don't want to be the reason you were late.

Gong: But-

Y/n: It's okay, were friends after all and besides I can just wait until you and Yuyu are done dueling.

Gong: You sure?

Y/n: I am, now bring the gongenzaka a new way of dueling!

Gong: Gong will make you and everyone proud!

Y/n: I know you would, now go!

Gong left the room and you looked at Yuzu who gave you a sweet smile.

Yuzu: You were always the patient one.

Y/n: For you and Yuyu, I'll wait  for you two until the end.

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