Pendulum cards?

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You were cheering with yuzu and the others for Yuya as she won her duel.

Gong: Gong is so proud.

Y/n: You could say that again Gong, you did beautifully Yuyu.

Yuya: *Blush* T-Thank you y/n.

You step in front of her and your face was getting closer to hers before she could even feel your lips sora tackled Yuya and she was furious.

Sora: That's my master for you!

Y/n: ...Um sora, I think Yuyu is about to snap.

Sora: nope because I knew she would win.

Yuya was flustered by the sudden praise from Sora but soon Yuya fell into a dark void and soon everything went dark while hearing you screaming for her name.

Yuya: Y/n!

Meanwhile at Yuya's house.

Yuya: Y/n!

Yuya fell of her bed then onto the floor, she gets up and stared at her pendant. Becoming duel champion was a dream to her, but pendulum summoning wasn't, so she really did it. After all she defeated the sledgehammer using that tactic. But her cheeks were hot cause she dreamt of kissing you at the duel arena but she was sad that the dream was cut of short with a nightmare.

Y/n: And it was getting to the good part.

En and Core approached Yuya as she greeted them but she was wondering why didn't sora asked you to be his teacher, till she heard some noise downstairs, she slides down the pole and saw Sora on the dinner table as she fall flat on her face.

Sora: Hey there teach!

Yuya:*angry* Sora, When did you get here?!

Yoko: I invited him in so he can join us. The little thing was wondering around the house so I asked him if he wanted to eat breakfast with us.

Yuya: You should have given it to him as take out.

Yoko: Now sora are you Yuya's apprentice?

Yuya slammed her fist at the table.

Yuya: No!

But she complains about him appearing in the worst time but he ignores her as he was eating Yoko's pancakes.

Sora: Thanks Yuya's sister.

Yoko: No sora I'm her mother.

Sora: Really? but you look so young and pretty, I thought you were her sister.

Yoko: Well aren't you just an honest boy, here have some more.

Yuya: Hey those were mine!

Sora: Thanks Ms. Sakaki, If it isn't much do you have any flavor syrup?

Yuya was frustrated at Sora until the door knocked. Yuya was so mad she stand up and slammed the door on your face.

Y/n: Ow! What was that for?!

Yuya: Y/n, I'm so sorry?!

Y/n: Ow~ Is it that time of month again, if so I'll make sure to stay away from the door.

Yuya: I'm sorry I wasn't-

Y/n: It's alright Yuyu, your on your period, I know you'll be pissed off. If I was in your shoes please consider the fact that you might hurt someone in your condition.

Yoko: Y/n dear are you alright?

Y/n: Yes Ms. Sakaki, I just hit my face at the door.

Yoko: Be careful next time.

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