Xzy vs standard part 1

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After the duel in gongs family dojo yuya was now qualified to duel in the championship, you were watching Yuya on the bridge.

Y/n: So ready to show the world of entertainment?

Yuya: yeah...just give me a minute.

Y/n: Tell that to the time.

Yuya: Yeah but I want to...you know.

Y/n: I understand but you are going to do the opening ceremony remember.

Yuya: Yup.

You waited until Yuya felt a bit calm and stands up and walks towards the stadium you followed Yuya until you all reach the arena. You looked around and saw your other self who was wearing a mask and he was surprised to see you to you both stare until Yuya ended her speech.

Yuzu: Y/n, Y/n!

Y/n: Huh?

Yuzu: Did you even listen to Yuya or Nico's speech?!

Gong: Are you alright your not normally like this.

Yuzu: Yeah and who were you-

Yuzu saw your other self and she immediately understood what's going on.

Yuzu: He's here?

Y/n: Yeah and I wonder why he's here?

Nico: Duelist would you please put in your registration cards in your duel disk! Your opponent is randomize in the computer now let's begin!

You place the registration card in your duel disk and was surprised it was your other self and you looked over and saw him surprised as well.

Yuya: Wow my duel is tomorrow.

Yuzu: Yeah mine is in the afternoon, Hey y/n what did you get?

Y/n: I got him.

You pointed at your other self and Yuzu and Yuya followed your hand and saw your other self.

Yuya: What your fighting him?!

Yuzu: But why?

Y/n: I don't know why but if it's a duel then it's a duel.

Yuzu: By the way when are you going to duel him?

Y/n: Let's see...it's says after your duel Zuzu.

Yuzu: Really? Wow and here I thought you were going to duel him tomorrow.

Y/n: I know but anyway let's watch Tate, ally and Frederick's duel.

Yuzu: Sure, you coming Yuya?

Yuya: Sure it would be fun!

Y/n: Let's go.

(Time skip)

You just finished Yuzu's duel and you were just happy she won and she seemed to be happy as well.

Nico: Next round is Y/n L/n Vs. Y/n Tsukumo!

Ally: Wait there's someone that has the same name as Mr. Y/n?!

Tate: Yeah but he has Tsukumo in his name so he's completely different from our y/n.

Frederick: yeah but I wonder who is the person that has Mr. Y/n's name?

Y/n: Well I got to go, wish me good luck.

Ally: Good luck Mr. Y/n!

Tate: Yeah good luck!

You walked to the stadium until Yuzu stops you.

Yuzu: Good luck in your duel.

Y/n: With you and Yuyu by my side I can do anything.

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