Enter Sylvio

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You were finished with school and saw yuya and yuzu and she seemed troubled.

Y/n: What's wrong with her Zuzu?

Yuzu: She fell asleep in class again but she's more concerned on mastering pendulum summoning.

Y/n: You mean her practice with gong?

Yuzu: Yeah...wait you knew?

Yuya: But I haven't see you yesterday.

Y/n: Did you forget who helped with the security system at you show?

Yuzu: Wait you have access to the cameras?

Y/n: And I got to say Yuyu I'm impressed you mastered pendulum summoning.

Yuya: Thanks y/n!

Y/n: But I found something that can make your new summoning method useless.

Yuya and Yuzu: What?!

Yuya: But no one knows how to counter it, it's still very new?!

Yuzu: How did find a solution so quickly.

Y/n: I rewatch the duel a bunch of times to the point where I found flaws and how to counter them as well.

Yuya: *gloomy* And here I thought I have a chance against you.

Y/n: Don't worry Yuya if I don't draw those cards yet you still have a chance.

Yuya: Easy for you to say mister Elemental hero.

Y/n: Hey you know those counter cards had to alter my deck you know.

Yuya: Bet Neos is still in there.

Y/n: Of course he is he's main monster.

You look a head and saw frederick, ally and tate waiting at the gate.

Y/n: Looks like we have company.

Frederick: Hello there Mr who are you?

Y/n: Me I'm Y/n l/n, Yuyu's and zuzu's childhood friend.

Tate: Really, but I haven't seen you before?

Y/n: Well that's because I'm a pro duelist so I don't visit very often

Tate, Fredrick and Ally: Really?!

Y/n: Yup, anyways why are guys here?

Ally: We want to see Yuya pendulum summoning!

Tate: Yeah!

Yuya: How about we do this at you show, how about that?

Tate ally and Frederick: Yes!

As we took a few steps someone hit Yuya with three sucker darts.

Yuzu: What's going on?!

???: I just hit a triple bullseye.

Y/n: And Who are you?

Sylvio: The name is Sylvio and I'm from class 1.

You watched on what this bastard was doing trying to fool Yuya, you know what he's trying to do but you can't make Yuya change her mind. You followed Yuya with Yuzu and the kids but you saw a kid with a lollipop in the LID but you know who owns and runs the LID but you were so out of thought that you were snapped back when Sylvio said he claim Yuya's pendulum cards.

Y/n: You little prick Give her cards back jerk!

Sylvio: Hmm..nope these are all mine now.

Y/n: If you won't give them back, I'll duel you for them.

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