Stuck in bed

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You woke up and you felt like you were hit by a semi truck... even though we don't know how does it feel to be hit by one you assume it was like that punch in the gut by junk warrior. Anyways you were on bed with a sleeping Yuzu on your side, at the other side of the curtain you can see Yuya still unconscious.

Y/n: ...oowww...

You are starting to feel the large amount of pain you felt last night as you tried to get up Yuzu woke up and saw what you were doing and pushed you back to bed.

Yuzu: Oh no you don't, your in a lot of trouble mister!

Y/n: For what?

Yuzu: You were in unconscious for a while and when I went to check on you yesterday you were missing and i ran around and heard you dueling and when I got there you were on the ground holding your gut while Yuya fainted when I was trying to talk to her and soon after you did as well.

Y/n:...How is she?

You said as you looked at Yuya as she was sleeping peacefully.

Yuzu: She fine she didn't have any injuries unlike you mister reckless.

You flinch as you can feel the glare Yuzu was giving to you.

Y/n: Sorry okay it's just that when I woke up I was wondering where the hell am I and when I tried to find you and Yuyu I stumbled across her fighting against two people that looks exactly like her.

Yuzu: Exactly like her?

Y/n: Mmhmp and there was this duelist on a motorcycle he uses to duel with.

Yuzu: Two people that looks like Yuya and someone with a motorcycle.

Y/n: Yup and he was extremely pissed when he saw that I was using fusion.

Yuzu: Wait really?

Y/n: Yeah and I got punched in the gut by his monster, weird thing is that monster was somehow familiar to me.

Yuzu: Familiar in what way?

Y/n: Like I feel like I know what it does and how to use it properly.

Yuzu: Huh that is weird? 'just like when his other self said.'

(Flash back)

Edgie y/n: I don't know his monster but it feels like I know how it works and what cards are best use for it.

Yuzu: What do you mean?

Edgie y/n: Not now I need to teach this showoff jerk what happens if they ever try to hurt you or Yuyu.

Sylvio: Bring it on you novice!

Edgie: Poor choice of words bitch!

Yuzu then hits your other self on the head as he face planted while Sylvio and the others had sweat dropped on their heads.

Sylvio: I better be quiet before I get killed by her.

(Flash back ends)

What Yuzu didn't realize is that she hit you with her paper fan when she snapped out of it she saw that she had strike you down as a red bump appeared.

Yuzu: O-Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I was hitting you?!

Y/n: *delirious* Delirious is a fucking bitch~!

She hits Your head again as you lay back on the bed as your eyes began to change color and Yuzu was panicking Like crazy as she saw your eyes changing to different colors.

Yuzu: Oh no are you alright?!

Y/n: *still delirious* Aye sir!

Yuzu was panicking as you were not in the mood to think straight.

Meanwhile in the fusion dimension.

Y/n: I'm gonna Fucking stab you!!!

Aster: Hold him still or else we'll be in massive trouble!

You were being held by aster and a bunch of obelisk blues as you were about to kill Barrett for hurting Serena's feelings, he was on the floor pretty beaten up by you.

Y/n: I'm ma kill him!

Alexis: Talk about overprotective boyfriend, huh ser?

Serena: Y-Yeah but it wish he doesn't go berserker mode Everytime someone hurts my feelings or on rare occasion Yuri's feelings.

Alexis: Is that so? I rarely see Yuri cry.

Serena: Yeah let's just say that's when he became more hostile towards people, they usually say Yuri is giant sadistic bitch or some uncalled for  and the morning after that I saw Yuri was hugging y/n as he was holding her and rubbing her back telling her it's alright and for a moment there I thought I saw a lone tear on her face.

Alexis: Looks like Mr. Smooth has his father's Gene's.

Serena: By the way where do you think his parents are right now?

Alexis: umm...


Y/n: Why the fuck are we in venezia Again?!

Jaden: Don't you mean Venice?

Y/n: It's called Venezia and I will call it that!

Syrus: Should we interrupt them Z?

Zane: Nah let our little bro handle it, it is there honey moon after all.

Syrus: Wait I thought it was a family trip?

Zane: It could be but I wonder what our nephew is doing?

Syrus: Don't know but I hope he's not doing anything dangerous.

Back with fusion y/n.

Y/n: Take them all Down Blue eyes with White lightning!!

Aster: Shit run for it!

Aster and a bunch of obelisk blues with Barrett on top of them were running away from you and blue eyes as the halls were filled with unconscious obelisk and Ra's on the ground while Alexis and a bunch of slifers with Serena behind Alexis as they were trying to catch you.

Serena: Y/n please calm down!!

Y/n: I will once I teach this dumbass his place!

Alexis: Jeez how does y/n and Jaden deal with him?

Serena: His dad or him?

Alexis: His father of course now can someone please get the tranquilizer!

Random slifers: On it!

As look at the slider going back heard another blast from blue eyes as more unconscious obelisk were on the floor.

Serena: Where's Yuri when you need her?!

Meanwhile at the security room.

Yuri: *sadistic giggle* I do love it when he shows he's not to be messed with but I still wonder when will he do it with me already?

She said that last line as she was rubbing her legs together.

Yuri: I know he's a shy guy but he does a complete 180 when my feelings are well as Serena.

She the last part with annoyance.

Yuri: I could intervene but it's much fun watching him destroy his enemies with little effort.

She continues to watch as you destroyed a wall that aster was hiding and she giggled as she took a bite from a chocolate cake she got from Serena's mini fridge.

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