Scary yuya

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You were still in the clinic due to a very angry yuzu telling you to take a break and rest and you accept...after you got beaten up by yuzu when you protested against her.

Y/n: *sigh* how am i still in here while Yuya is already out and free?

Yuzu: Cause she's not as careless as you are Mister!

Y/n: Okay, okay. I get it, I'm stuck here until i'm in the clear. Don't need to hit me with a paper fan.

You stare off to space as you remembered what happened.

Y/n: so my double ganger died or at least that's what i think he did and there was another me with a motorcycle that came out of a portal. these pass few days are confusing, But i don't get it. Why are they trying to find someone i never met before and why are they so hostile to fusion users? i need to add some new cards in my deck if i want to survive their hate towards fusion summoning.

You were so deep in thought that yuzu became worried as she snaps her fingers to get your attention. you snap out of it and saw yuzu's worried face.

Y/n: Oh geez, sorry Zuzu i was just...thinking.

Yuzu: About what?

Y/n: My look a likes.

Yuzu looked at you as she knew what you were talking about but got confused when you said look a likes.

Yuzu: Wait, there's another one?

Y/n: Yeah, but he was wearing a jumpsuit and using a Motor bike to duel against me.

Yuzu: A what?

Y/n: He was playing Duel Monsters on his Motorcycles.

Yuzu: Card game on Motorcycle? That sounds Ridiculous.

Y/n: Wish i was joking.

Yuzu: and were they looking for someone as well?

You nod but suddenly look at her with shock.

Yuzu: So what were they looking for?

Y/n: Don't know but he said he wants to know where Rinrin is.

Yuzu: Rinrin, that sounds like what the other you was looking for but it was ruru instead of rinrin.

Y/n: Really, then why did they come here?

Yuzu: Don't know but I have a bad feeling about this.

Y/n: Me too.

(Meanwhile with Synchro you)

You were tuning and repairing your duel runner as well as Yugo's as she eats a bag of potatoe chips on your couch.

Yugo: *chewing* So what now?

Y/n: we need to go back there and find rinrin, we would have been there by now if it wasn't for our duel runners going off the fritz.

Yugo: Yeah I hear ya, It sucks that the dimensional thingy is acting weird.

Y/n: The more reason for me to fix it as soon as possible.

Yugo got off the couch and tapped your shoulder, you looked at yugo as she shoved a piece of bread in your mouth.

Yugo: You should really eat and sleep, you haven't slept since two days ago and I was getting a bit worried.

You took the piece out of your mouth but not before taking a bite.

Y/n: I have a bad feeling about this and we need to find rinrin and fast. Something tells me shits about to get crazy.

Yugo: Yeah, yeah. But eat first you dummy.

Yugo wrapped her arms around you as you gave her a sweet kiss as she giggles at it.

Y/n: I know, I know. But I won't rest until everything is back as it should be. Goodnight yuyu, I'll be upstairs to tuck you in.

Yugo: *embarrassed* Baka!

She playfully punches your shoulder as you laughed at her reaction.

(Meanwhile with Fusion you)

Y/n: How is he doc?

You looked at the doctor as they were doing a diagnostic test on sora.

: He's fined but it looks like he was in a duel and judging by the bruises it seems to be a Xzy duelist that attacked him.

Y/n: Wait what, but who is strong enough to beat sora?

: Don't know but we fear it may be an expert duelist he fought against.

Y/n: Well looks like we have someone new to hunt down. But the question is who was he fighting against.

You looked at sora as you question how did he get hurt, was he injured by a Xzy's user from the standard dimension or was it someone from the Xzy dimension that chased him to the standard dimension.

Y/n: Who ever they are, I need to prepare.

You excuse yourself as you went towards the training room to prepare for the worst.

(Back with standard you)

You were laying down on the bed until you heard the door being knocked.

Y/n: Come in!

The door open to show Yuya.

Y/n: Hey yuyu, why are you here I thought your duel was about to come up?

Yuya: Just thought you needed some company before I go.

Y/n: That's sweet of you.

Yuya went besides the bed as she sat down.

Yuya: How are you feeling?

Y/n: Good so far but still feel sore when I moved my body.

Yuya: With your tendencies to get into trouble we know your gonna get into a hospital one day.

Y/n: technically this is a infirmary.

Yuya: Whatever, anyways who do you think your up against?

Y/n: Don't know but I'm ready to go.

Yuya: Sure you are. So Hey, are you okay if know... go on a date?

You looked at her as you felt your cheeks heathen up a bit as you saw a crimson blush on Yuya's face as she looked the other way when she said that. You smiled as you placed your hand on hers making her face you.

Y/n: I would love to.

Yuya smiled as she bear hugs you as you hugged her back.

Y/n: After the tournament?

Yuya: After the tournament. Wish me luck!

Yuya went towards the door as you cheer for her. Once she's finally gone you got the remote and turned on the t.v to watch the duel.

(One... disturbing duel later.)

You looked at Yuya as you saw that she was incredibly angry but she suddenly snapped out of it and went towards her opponent to apologize but instead he ran away in fear. You couldn't get a finger on it but that situation was familiar somehow.

Y/n: First she has a new card I never saw before then suddenly she suddenly goes 180 and destroyed his ass. But somehow that situation was familiar...but I don't know why?

You looked back as you saw the crowd cheering for her but you know that she was confused as well and you wonder what happened when you fought the duelist a few nights ago.

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