The cooking duelist Michio

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Yuya was currently editing her deck for her duel tomorrow and she promised not to loose to reiji.

Tomorrow morning.

Yuya woke up and was greeted by her pets but she noticed there were more cats now and wondered if her mother picked them up. She went down stairs and saw sora on her table.

Yuya: *irritated* You made yourself at home sora?

Sora: it's fine Yuya were friends and I'll be working hard to enter the championship.

Yuya: *sigh* you know you'll need to defeat 6 duelist with no loses right?

Sora: Of course I will.

Yuya: Hey mom is breakfast ready?

Yoko: Sorry sweetie but breakfast is going to take a bit longer, Im trying to learn a new recipe from Michio mokota.

Yuya: What, but you always make your special pancakes?!

Yoko: I know but I want to master this recipe so please be patient.

Yuya: Can you make it fast I'm kinda in a hurry.

Yoko: Now Yuya you can't do everything you want in a hurry, now please be patient!

Yuya was frowning while sora drank her milk.

Yuya: I have to go or I'll be late for my duel, see you guys later!

Sora: Bye Yuya!

Yuya ran out of the house and enter Maiama city on an empty stomach but she picked up a delicious scent in the air and found the cuisine duel school that Nico told her about.

Nico: A Yuya there you are quick your just in time.

Yuya: Am I going to be In the gas chamber?

But she was ignored as she was pushed in.

Y/n: Is this the right amount of spice Mr. Kirikagure?

Kirikagure the principal of the cuisine duel school. He taste your seasoning.

Kirikagure: A little salt and pepper and it will be magnifique.

Michio: I still didn't expect you to be here y/n, but I'm happy your taking cooking so seriously.

Y/n: I want to make Yuyu and Zuzu something special, so that's why I wanted to learn how to cook for them.

Kirikagure: How thoughtful of you, I'm sure they'll be surprised to see you cooking for them.

Michio: I can picture it now a beautiful dish for your beloveds.

Y/n: *embarrassed* T-Thank you but I think Yuyu is here.

Michio: really, then I should meet her in person then. Take care now.

Y/n: Good luck to the both of you.

Kirikagure: I should go to. Oh, how about you let her taste your cooking I'm sure she would love it.

Y/n: Thanks but I'm still cooking table 4's katsudon.

Kirikagure: I know but it would be best for you to cook her something special.

Y/n: Really? After this I'll make something for Yuyu to enjoy.

Kirikagure: That's the spirit now, get back to work.

Y/n: Yes Chef!

Michio and kirikagure left as you try and make something Yuya would enjoy as you finished the katsudon, you thought why not make Yuya katsudon and jiggly souffle omelette with a cup of hot cocoa shaken not stirred. Then you went to work.

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