Standard meets Xzy.

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You were watching Yuzu train with sora but you noticed something was wrong she tried to fusion summon but it failed.

Yuzu: Uh why didn't it work?!

Sora: Did you put them in your deck instead of your extra deck?

Yuzu was embarrassed while you chuckle at her which made her glare at you.

Y/n: sorry, sorry. It's just cute seeing you being embarrassed.

Yuzu: *blush and mumbles* your cute

Y/n: What was that?

Yuzu: I said be quiet!

Y/n: Okay, okay. I yield to your cute request.

Yuzu was mumbling as she was trying to put her fusion monsters in her extra deck.

At a nearby warehouse.

Y/n: Huh, so that's me in this dimension. Nice.

Yuto: wow so that's what he looks like with glasses, not gonna lie he looks cute with them- Wait we were eavesdropping on the obelisk blue not fantasize on y/n and his counterparts! Though this isn't the first time I saw y/n and his counterparts.

(Flash back)

Yuto Lp: 2000

Y/n Lp: 600


White suited duelist Lp: 2000

Other Y/n Lp: 1600

Y/n: Chaos Xzy change! Appear, Rank 5! Zubaba Saikyo General!

Y/n: I detached one overlay unit for Zubaba to equip Zubababancho Gagagacoat!

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Y/n: I detached one overlay unit for Zubaba to equip Zubababancho Gagagacoat!

Zubaba Saikyo General.

Attack: 4100.

Y/n: Now attack his Junk warrior with Saikyo Slash!

Other Y/n: Not so fast I activate Scrap iron scare crow!

Y/n: Damnit! I end my turn!

Yuto: My turn I draw! Dark rebellion attack her Clear wing!

Other Y/n: Sorry pretty lady but I activate my trap card negate attack to end your turn!

Yuto: *A slight blush and growl* I end my turn!

White suited duelist: *annoyed* Y/n.

Other Y/n: We'll talk about it when we get home.

White suited duelist: I don't like it when your flirting at someone other than me and Rinrin.

Y/n: Technically it's called teasing.

Yuto and the duelist: You stay out of this!

Y/n:...So much for being nice.

White suited duelist: We need to go!

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