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You were in the infirmary and haven't woken up since you're duel against your other self yuto was there but nobody was allowed to enter during tournament hours.

Yuto: What was that light, what did you do to him?!

Yuto was crying on the side of your bed trying to process what just happened in your duel.

Yuto: What did you do to make him disappear??

Yuto's been asking you question after question but you were still unconscious.

Yuto: Why, why do the ones I care for always die or get card? Why?!

Yuto has been like this for a few hours now and was devastated.

Meanwhile with synchro you.

Y/n: Okay yugo why do you need a tune up on your duel runner?

Yugo: Uh well...

You were waiting for her answer but she didn't and you sigh.

Y/n: If your going somewhere I'm coming to.

Yugo: What no, What if you get kidnapped by that girl?!

Y/n: Please like I can be captured that easily.

Yugo: It's not my fault we were never been able to catch you in tag.

You raised your brow and had a smirk.

Y/n: Or was it that you were to busy dreaming of owning your duel runner that you forgot we were in a game or was there something else on your mind?

Yugo had a blush and tried to defend herself to lessen your suspicion but ultimately failed.

Y/n: It's okay Yuyu I was just teasing you.

Yugo had a slight blush while pouting.

Yugo: It was not funny.

Y/n: For me it was cute to see you riled up.

Yugo: ...What will you do when we get Rinrin back?

You were shock in her asking that question but you smiled at her curiosity.

Y/n: Well when we get her back I'm taking both of you on a date.

Yugo: W-What?!

Y/n: What do you hate the idea?

Yugo: N-No I'm just surprised as all.

Y/n: Come on Yuyu I gave you your daily cuddles now it's time for Rinrin to get her daily cuddles as well.

Yugo: *pouting* But I won't get a chance like this ever again.

Y/n: Yuyu don't be so greedy, now has uncle crow or uncle jack call?

Yugo: Well crow did but your uncle who I was really surprised to hear at first back then hasn't.

Y/n: Well I am not surprised my dad and mom are either having a honey moon or doing work either way their way to focus in their work.

Yugo: Well I was surprised that you are the son of Y/n atlas and Yusei fudo two of new dominos brilliant minds.

(Next book in the works)

Y/n: I swear I feel like my dad was lazy naming me when I was born.

Yugo: well To be fair he had a lot of work when miss fudo was pregnant so of course he would be lazy.

Y/n: Yeah I guess your right*finished and cleaning the duel runner* so what do you want to eat?

Yugo: Burgers! No, Noodles! Wait, it's so hard to choose! Bacon and eggs! Aghhhh, it's so hard!

You laugh at yuto's childish antics as she tried to find what to eat for dinner.

Meanwhile with Fusion you.

You were waking up and you felt two auras and you know who exactly were making it.

Y/n: How did you two get into my room?

Yuri: Well I made a duplicate key but that doesn't explain why she's here?!

Serena: Well I used the vents to get in and I thought you were busy miss venom?

You can see how they were glaring at each other as they both each held your arm.

Y/n:...*sigh* do you two want me to drink coffee or not?

Yuri and Serena: Don't even think about it!

Y/n: If you two want to bicker that's fine just as long as I have a cup or two I'm Fine.

Serena: Remember last time you had coffee-

Yuri: And I took the whole school to subdue you?

You were remembering the last time you over load on coffee.

Y/n: Hehehe, I dueled everyone and even the professor that day still couldn't believe I won against him to be honest.

Yuri: And you cause massive destruction to the garden and cafeteria.

Serena: And it's not easy to cut your coffee supply mister Yuki.

Y/n: It's not my fault my dad had a life time supply of coffee from kaiba corp.!

Yuri: Still doesn't explain how your father won so much coffee then again you are the son of Y/n truesdale so It would make sense.

Y/n: I still don't understand how auntie Alexis and uncle aster are still so young?

Yuri: I don't know but I want to know their secret.

Serena: me to.

Y/n: Anyways what time is it?

Serena and Yuri: 2:40 pm.

Y/n:... I missed a lot today didn't I?

Yuri: yup.

Y/n: And does one of you have the list of assignments or projects the teachers gave out today?

Serena: on the table.

Y/n: What did I do yesterday to make myself so tired that I have to sleep throughout half the day?

Yuri: Did you forget the massive overtime you had to do for your group project?

Y/ I remember they didn't even make their part and I have to make they're part in a short amount of time.

Serena: It's nice to see you work so hard even if it was you and those group of slackers.

Y/n: Yeah so are guys gonna let me eat or are just gonna let me stay In bed for a while?

Yuri: Five more minutes.

Y/n: What am I going to do with you two?

Yuri and Serena: This.

You sighed as you place your head on your pillow and soon they glare at each other again and you laughed at their childish antics.

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now