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During the summer, Amaya visited Karasuno in hopes to find a school dance squad. When she discovered they were lacking what she desired she didn't give up right away. She would take this loss in her plans and twirl it around, twisting it to flow as she willed.

Having found a vacant space, she would have her earbuds in, blasting away some music. She would have her eyes closed as she spun around, twisting and bending as she moves. Her hair in crimson curls, twisting along as she went. Her moves were measured, each step calculated with natural muscle memory as she had been doing this for years. The silent foot fall as another made their way to check the now open gym was unbeknownst to her. The arrival of another who stopped to watch for her to finish was something she didn't anticipate. The person in awe as they began mentally comparing the skills between the dancer and the boys who use the gym.

The moment she let her eyes open slightly she would see, as she twirls, a male standing there with a kind smile, his glasses having a similar glare as her own. She wouldn't stop as she used one hand to twist into a back bend and land on her feet, one foot before the other as she bowed. Tugging one earphone out she would hear the solo clap.

"I overheard you speaking with the principal, and although we don't have a dance squad, you seem to want a space to practice more than a squad to practice with. If you'd like, I'd like to offer you a deal. My name's Takeda, I'm a teacher here and the coach of the Karasuno volleyball team."

She would stand up, offering a smile with her bright green eyes glinting with suspicion.

"Takeda-Sensei, my name is Amaya Takahashi. I'm a first year coming up to second year, what form of deal would the Volleyball coach be offering a tiny dancer?"

He stepped forward, seemingly excited he would be heard out. His eyes like Christmas lights as he spoke happily.

"In exchange for using the gym to dance, you join the boys volleyball team as an assistant manager. It doesn't have to be a yes right away, come see us during the year for a practice play."

She tilted her head a bit, her green eyes full of wonder as she processed this request. She would have time to think on this, which made her smile knowing she had time.

"If I can't assemble a dance team before the first practice game you guys have, then I'll agree to these conditions. Until then, I will show up to watch as your guest."

He would smile widely and nod offering his hand, the two would shake, forming their verbal agreement. Turning, she would make her way to the door, stopping to bow before she left. Amaya would put her headphones back in, making her way towards home.

As she walked, rounding the curve into her neighborhood, wildly orange hair would fly pass, causing her to turn and look. The colour catching her off guard, her green eyes taking in as the ginger boy would also slow to a halt, twisting his bike with one leg down to eye her curiously. As they seemed to silently assess one another the boy spoke first.

"Hey." He greeted softly, Amaya simply nodded to him in return.

"My name's Shoyo Hinata, I haven't seen you before. Are you new?"

He spoke slow which made her smirk before she responded swiftly, fluently.

"Amaya. And yes, I've moved back to Japan recently."

His eyes widen, their golden hues seeming to shine as she spoke. He nodded a slow smile gracing his face. "Well if you live in the neighborhood, I'll see you around!"

Amaya nodded and gave a friendly wave over her shoulder, the two continuing on their way. She shook her head as she kept going, a bit amused at her supposed new neighbor. It wasn't much longer and she was home, walking into her two story home where she slipped off her shoes. She would close and lock the wooden front door, moving with just her socks on along the tatami mats.

"I'm home!!" She announced, as no one answered.

After a moment, her shoulders slumped a bit, feeling completely alone. As this feeling reoccurred for her, she just shook her head with a small smile, her eyes dropping.

"Guess I'm in charge of dinner tonight."

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