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Amaya Takahashi, age sixteen, prepared to dance solo in senior rank. She took a deep breath and nodded her head as she awaited being called, she wore her hair in two loose buns, her dress loose at the skirt. She wore a long dress, ombré from white to grey. She had no idea who would be there to watch, she honestly expected no one to watch. She would hold her hands together, up to her lips and say a calming prayer.


Amaya would move now as the light dimmed slightly, the music beginning as she came forth. She danced the same routine from before, her movements starting slow before she had to speed up, her contemporary dance telling a story, a cry for help as she expressed how lost she feels. Amaya didn't want anyone to recognize this wasn't her dancing a routine to tell someone else's story but it was her own body, her own motions, her sharing her feelings that the song pulled from her very being. By the end of her contemporary piece she would be kneeling on the ground holding her head as her buns fell out to give her the wild look of someone who has reached breaking point. Her skirt piece off to the side. When the lights came back to full she would stand to hear claps from people who came to see the free performances and would move to gather her things as she exited stage. She would have to wait now for results as the rest of the performances had to still go.

Once alone she would wipe her eyes, careful not to smear her makeup. She would sit alone, away from the stage so as not to possibly ruin anyone else's chances. She would look at her hands, becoming lost in her thoughts.

'I just need to score high here and I'll have a secured spot. I just need to rank as one of the highest... Hell, I'll even take a call back if they want. I can't end here.'

She would sniffle slightly, thinking of how angry her parents are about to be, more so if she fails here too. She shook her head, her shoulders slouching. Time passed and two performances later, everyone was called out. They would call names, those stepping forward would soon be rewarded with being allowed through right away.

Amaya was not one of them. As people began leaving she would be stopped along with another girl and both brought forward.

"We want you two to pair up. Make a routine and come back for a second chance tomorrow."

Amaya would bow respectfully as would the other girl. Turning she would tense seeing who it was.

"Oh no..."

"You're kidding me...."

Amaya was face to face with the girl who has been bullying her. As Amaya's emerald hues casted down the school bully of hers would sneer, "Look Takahashi, I don't know what they were thinking but just know if you mess this up for me I will NEVER let you live it down."

" You guys come back tomorrow, we start tomorrow. Be ready."

Amaya didn't even get to speak as the girl left, causing Amaya to feel even further down. She would walk out to meet the setting sun where she would be greeted by a few voices.


"Hey, hey, hey! Look who's here to escort you!"

She would see Kuroo and Bokuto, but her emotions were so low she didn't even say hi as she gave a half wave.

"Woah, party foul, what's wrong with you, tiny dancer??" Bokuto would ask as Kuroo offered, "Did you not make it through??"

The three would be walking together, Amaya opening up a bit.

"I have a call back, but with the condition of a pair up with a girl I don't exactly get along with."


"But that's good right? Just put your differences aside."

"Easier said than done." She scoffed before mumbling, "Last interaction we had, Tanaka and Nishinoya had to step in. It got... Rough."

"Rough? Dang Red, didn't peg you the fighting type." Kuroo would respond, Bokuto not agreeing with his sentiment.

"Well, she messed with my charm." For emphasis, Amaya showed that even now, carrying her bag that had her change of clothes and such, the little keychain swung from the strap.

"What's the story with that thing anyway??"

She would shrug, "I was a little kid, I used to go to this park with my dad and I'd have playdates with this one boy. Eventually I had to move and he gave it to me. Said to keep it so everytime I got overwhelmed I'd remember he was thinking of me." She would look forward, her eyes distant as she added, "I didn't forget that. I forgot his name, even his face but I never forgot him. He was the first boy I had a crush on and he was my best friend."

"What if you guys meet again?" Bokuto questioned, "Think you'd remember then?"

That made Amaya giggle, "Nah, we were little, I left like eleven years ago guys. We both grew and changed I'm sure." She would smile at the sun as it was setting, giving a soft hum and then, "If there was a chance, a slim chance, that I could see that boy again... I'd hope he remembers me and would tell me. Even if he didn't tell me, I'd hope we could be friends again and eventually we'd find out, ya know? I like to think he'll see the keychain and immediately remember." She shook her head and murmured, "Silly, silly girl." But as Amaya looked down she missed the shared look between Bokuto and Kuroo, the trio reaching the training grounds once more.

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