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The place wasn't full of people despite being an Arcade, the games ranged from old retrograde classics like pacman and street fighter all the way to newer games like Halo or even Minecraft dungeons. Amaya's eyes lit up with childlike excitement.

The redhead girl ran in, Kuroo snickering as he piped up.

"How did you know she'd like it here??"

Kenma responded softly, "I didn't, but I'm happy to see Amaya didn't change too much." He started forward with Kuroo.

"Oh Yea?"

"Yea. When we were kids, I remember she got flustered often around confrontation by people she had a crush on, she was always ready to fight to defend others and she liked older games. It's why I gave her the little keychain."

Kuroo nodded recalling the Majora's mask keychain she always attached somewhere on her person.

"I see. Well, text me when you're both ready? This isn't really my scene."

Amaya came over at that moment with a large smile, she held up a small bag of tokens.

"Ready guys!!"

"Actually Red, I have to go but I'll be back to pick you guys up. Something came up and I have to run."

She would pout but would nod in understanding before they traded a form of goodbye. Amaya was no alone with Kenma, who would be silent in a more tense manner. Noticing this she would raise a brow at him.

"Kenma, are you ok? You ready to play some games?"

He would simply nod his head yes before seeming to take a deep breath. He would flash her a charming grin, making her tense now with rosy cheeks.

"Yea, let's play."

The two had been gaming for several hours, stopping finally to get a drink and some pizza. As they sat together, facing one another Kenma just smiled listening to her talk. He was propped up, his chin in one hand. Amaya was in the middle of talking about how her and Aimi had managed to become friends with each other when she noticed something.

For anyone else who could see the two, they looked like a couple of Teens on a date.

"Hey.... Kenma?"


"..... Was this a set up?"

"What do you mean?"

She was blushing dark now as she looked at her drink.

"Did Kuroo help you trick me into a date?"

Kenma now would stop smiling, not upset but considering his answer.

"... In a way I guess he did."

"What is that supposed to mean?!" She pouted now, Kenma watching her closely. His mannerism reminding Amaya of a cat watching it's prey.

"I really did invite you to hang out with both me and Kuroo however Kuroo doesn't normally like games. He plays them occasionally with me on console with Bokuto but rarely to an arcade. When he saw how excited you were to be here he mentioned having something to do and left."

"S-so it's not a date?"

"Do you want it to be?"

She shrunk down a little, making Kenma smile at how she was becoming flustered.

"I see... Then it's a date." Amaya would look down now, tucking a strand of hair away as she couldn't stop the incoming smile.

"Y-yea! It's a date."

The two both had a text come up on their phones, a message from Hinata to both. Seeing the message Kenma we t to ignore it but then Amaya's phone rang. She answered it.

"Hi Hinata."

"Amaya! Are you really with Kenma?!"

"Yea, I'm with him right now, why?"

"Are you on a date right now?!"

"Y-yes.... Hinata what's wrong? You sound like you're in shock."

Kenma had moved to be closer, wanting to hear and make sure his friend was ok.

"I-i just.... No one knew. I'll get off then, you guys have fun!"

"Bye Hinata." Kenma spoke making Amaya jumped before ending the call prematurely.

Amaya would lock eyes with him, the two way too close for normal personal space now.


She was caught off guard and without meaning to she looked down, noticing how close his lips were. He would also look to her own lips, moving in slightly.  Her heart rate quickened, was he going to kiss her?!

"Your pizza slices!"

He retreated, clearing his throat with a thank you as he sat back where he was before leaving Amaya's heart racing wildly.

They finished their pizza and went on to continue playing the rest of the tokens they had total. The last thing the two did was go into a photo booth, taking pictures together. One of the blocks on the strip was Amaya and Kenma as cats, another of them making dumb faces, one of her laughing wildly while he just smiled and the last of him holding her chin and her just not moving away, blushing as they held eye contact. The photos printing, finished but the two teens not leaving the booth right away.

They would exit, Amaya taking the strip as Kenma had offered. He seemed to be very smiley but Amaya couldn't stop using one finger to touch her lips. She could still feel how soft Kenma's had been. She soon but her bottom lip as Kuroo was approaching them again.

"You two ready to go? It's getting late and we should get Amaya home."

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