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Nothing major truly happen after that day, Amaya still was struggling with that one dance, she didn't speak a whole lot and she still hadn't heard from her parents. She was feeling the stress of being pressured, from keeping her grades up to proving to her parents she was ready for any dance competition. Her feelings of aggression becoming more common as time went, the only time she seemed to be find peace was when she was with Karasuno's volleyball team. Sure she was still silent when they trained, still not watching their practice matches, but watching them all work so hard to achieve their goals filled her with a sense of inner peace.

Like now, as they were getting set to go  through some receives, she sat back on the sidelines to watch. Once it was over, she stood and moved to begin cleaning up. She would hum softly to herself, before it occured to her-

"I'm sixteen..." Her eyes wide as this realization sunk in and a smile spread across her face she would then jump a bit holding the ball to her chest, "I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!!"

The team now would be watching her with concern, Nishinoya raising a brow as Hinata came closer and asked "what are did you think of??"

She turned grinning wildly, "I'M SIXTEEN!!"

Hinata would be extremely lost as he tilted his head, "uuhhh...." He then blinks "did we miss your birthday??"

She'd shake her head no now mirroring his confusion, "what? No... My birthday is in November, it's only the middle of June."

It would be now that they would reach an awkward silence, the two saved by a curious Sugawara.

"Takahashi... Why are you so excited to be sixteen suddenly?"

She would blink before smiling wide again, "Well I don't know what you guys know but I've been kind of down because I was told I can't participate in the June dance competition unless I figure out how to do this one move but I can't seem to do it and I ended up injuring myself." She would rub her arm slightly as she continued, "At sixteen if you sign up AS A SOLO DANCER you don't have to have a parent."

It was now Nishinoya would come forward with an equally smiling Tanaka as he seemed to beam, "Which means you can dance in the competition!"

Amaya would be jumping slightly again as she nodded and Nishinoya chuckled a bit, sharing in her glee.

"If I do well enough I can prove to my parents I'm not just good enough but I'm better than their expectations! All I got to do is win first place." She would walk closer to Nishinoya and looking him in the eye would ask, "Will you go with me to sign up? I need to do so before tomorrow evening."

Nishinoya would have a slight pink to his cheeks as he seemed to tense just slightly. "O-oh um, we have practice tomo-"

"Missing the first half won't kill the team Nishinoya, just go on the date and get back quickly." Daichi interrupted to tease, earning two pairs of blinking eyes before they became similar shades of pink.

"Date?" Amaya squealed out embarrassedly.

"It's not a date!" Nishinoya defended making Sugawara smile and add in as Daichi snickered.

"Of course it is! We all saw her step forward and ask only you Nishinoya."

Hinata would seem amazed as he innocently spoke next, "Wow! Congratulations Nishinoya! Wait does this mean you and Amaya are a thing?"

Tanaka offendedly pipes in, "Noya! What the heck brah?!" 

As Nishinoya tried to argue back at his teammates Amaya was standing there, her face red as she watched him loose his cool. She didn't even listen to what was being said, toning out even the laughter of members who enjoyed watching him lose his cool.

"...." She would feel her heart pick up slightly in speed as she spoke, words passing lips before she could even think on them.

"Yū, is it a date?"

His eyes turned to her as she tensed up, now feeling eyes on her as she looked away embarrassed.

"H-huh?" Nishinoya was caught off guard.

"Wait did she just call him by his first name?" Hinata whispered only for Kageyama to add, "Yea she did."

He would step closer to her as she became darker in the face, fully aware of the shrinking space as he closed in.

"I-I mean, would it be bad if it were a date, not like it is a date cause we aren't going to stop for food or see a movie or take a walk or like ya know I'm just would it really be so bad if it were a date nevermind ignore me im sorry!!"

Her ramble ended with her moving swiftly for the door, running as fast as she could to the changing room. The last thing she heard was the slight thud and Hinata yelling "OW, KAGEYAMA WHAT THE HECK?!"

Amaya now would be in the women's changing room and would be sitting behind the door, her hands on her cheeks as she tried to calm herself. She would soon hide behind the palms of her hands, shivering a bit.

"Ugh, why am I so weird...." She grumbled as she felt entirely stilted.

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