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It only had been one day, night fell and already Amaya was having to chase down one of the other school's player. As he ran like hell to escape the small girl he yelled back, "I SWEAR I DIDN'T SEE IT!!"

She finally took a leap, snagging his ankle and clinging too it. Bokuto screamed in fear as he went down, "GET HER OFF ME!!"

Just as she began to claw her way up his leg, grumbling darkly under her breath, Bokuto was saved by Kuroo, Kenma, Nishinoya and Hinata. He hid behind Kuroo who was trying not to laugh as Kenma asked what had happened.

Nishinoya was trying to calm her down while Hinata held her back.

"That clumsy bird brained owl stepped on my phone!"

"I said I'm sorry! I didn't see it when I jumped up on the bleacher I swear!"

Kenma would move to Amaya now, Nishinoya wanting to see the damage which she obliged showing that the phone was fully, totally destroyed. The screen cracked, force of impact towards the center and it came on in one corner to shine a little light as if to say 'I'm trying to work.'. When Kenma turned back to Bokuto, Nishinoya suggested, "Why not just buy her a new phone?"

Kuroo spoke next, "Yea, you broke hers, it's the least you can do as payment."

Hinata was staring at the damage as he had let Amaya go. He would light rub her back, much like he would his little sister as Amaya just angry pouted at him now.

"Did you at least offer to get her a new one?" Kenma said.

"Uh.... Well I-.... No." Bokuto would turn to Amaya and like a shamed puppy, his head down, eyes cast to the side.

"I'm sorry Takahashi.... Seriously, it was an accident. I can't afford it now but I can maybe get you a new one?"

Amaya shook her head no, "I just can't believe your fat foot destroyed the whole screen... Now how will I practice??"

This piqued their interest.

"Practice? What are you practicing on your phone?" Kuroo inquired.

"Takahashi is a dancer! She was planning during the trip to go do a contest nearby!" Hinata answered, Nishinoya nodding in agreement.

"Her phone was how she practiced. She would blue tooth it to Tanaka's speaker that he didn't bring this time and she would practice while we done drills."

Bokuto would pipe up now smiling, "If you know the songs why not use one of our phones? Hook it up to someone else's speaker or heck, maybe if the coach don't mind we can use the gyms overhead speakers!"

Kuroo would smile now to, just as wide "That's right, then you can practice. Maybe we can even have Bokuto make it up to you by becoming a stage hand, give you a full practice."

Amaya would blink now, having calmed down, "Then I can do a rehearsal before the show.... Get an idea of how I want it to look.... Yū, will you record it for me? This way I can watch back and see where I need to work for a clean performance."

Nishinoya would smile ever so brightly as Kenma silently stared at the two in wonder.

"Sure thing Amaya!"

She would nod and stand up looking to Bokuto, "I plan to practice one hour before everyone has to go shower, please be outside for our first run down."

He would nod, the whole group of five watching as she goes.

"She seems pretty uptight about this..." Hinata bluntly stated, concern in his tone.

"Yea, I'm starting to worry now too..."

Kuroo would cross his arms, "What's wrong with Red being driven? Aren't we the same way with Volleyball??"

Nishinoya would explain now, turning to look up at Kuroo, "Kinda. When she practices she moves very gracefully, if she makes a mistake you only knew because she would tell you. Ever since she found out she could sign up without a studio or parent she's been more tense about this. In class she mumbles about proving her mom wrong, during practices she gets so lost in thought, she doesn't pay attention where she's going."

"Yeah, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how Bokuto even had a chance TO step on her phone. Before she always kept it put up so not to interrupt. Now, she is almost always on it."

Kenma would listen to what they said, he would look towards where she sat now, going through her bag with the little keychain.

"Maybe she'll calm down once her contest is over." Kuroo stated only for Kenma to state while he never took his eyes off her.

"No. Assuming she hasn't changed much, Takahashi might forget names and faces but once she's driven and set on something, she doesn't stop until she burns herself out."

Nishinoya finally asked with a slight attitude, "How do you know so much?"

Kenma finally would turn to smile at Nishinoya, answering what Kuroo had been wandering.

"Because I know Takahashi, we were best friends after all. I gave her that keychain."

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