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Today was the first match of practice for Karasuno. At least, that's what Amaya thought. As an assistant aid she didn't have to go, thus was given the choice. She stayed at school since she was merely uninterested, making her way through each class. It wasn't until lunch she regretted her decision.

"Oh look! It's the foreigner~" Amaya was sitting alone, eating her bento box from home. She would be ignoring the voice behind her, not caring what anyone else had to say.

"Oh? It seems your food is lacking in grease~ maybe I can fix that!"

With her chopsticks positioned to eat some of the rice her meal was ruined when the light brown ooze was poured over her food. She would make a face of disgust as she noticed the schools offered breakfast chunks were in that mix.

"There ya go!"

Amaya would sigh and finally turn glaring daggers at the one who done so. Naturally black hair and chocolate brown eyes stared back mockingly at Amaya's enraged deep green eyes.

"You're supposed to say 'thank you'." Leaning forward this unnamed girl added slowly, "AR-I-GA-TO~"

Amaya would sigh and stand taking her food and stepping forward. She pretended to trip spilling the rice and grease all over the girls uniform. She then gave a cold smile, tilting her head as she spoke slowly, "thank you~"

The girl would scream in annoyance as Amaya just crossed her arms, no point leaving now. As she stayed in place the other girl stomped her foot and went to speak violently. She was stopped by the principal interfering.

"What seems to be the problem ladies?"

Amaya would just stare at the girl, letting her go first.

"The foreigner just spilled grease all over me!!"

"Correction." Amaya would begin, her fluency making the other girls mouth dropped, she didn't stop staring blankly, "If you look closely, my bento box had been tampered with due to the addition of grease. I simply stood to throw my food away."

Carefully, Amaya stepped on her shoe lace untying it just enough inconspicuously.

"I tripped." She then would motions to her feet where the principal would look and nod.

"I see, well, should this be the case, you get to your next class. And you, go get yourself changed."

Amaya would lean down, tying her shoe again swiftly before giving a fake smile and a slight wave. She would then bow to the principal and head to her class letting out a sigh.

"Maybe I should dye my hair...." She pondered silently as she pulled a strand to her line of vision. 

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