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Amaya had woken up, feeling one hundred times better. She would take a deep breathe, her cold down to just a stuffy nose. She get out of bed, readjusting her oversized button up pajama shirt and rub her eyes. Making her way to her kitchen with a large yawn. She was exhausted. She would stretch now, her arms up as she went toward the kitchen. The smell of fresh cooked eggs and rice filling her nose.

"Aimi, I didn't know you cooked."

"What can I say? I'm not Aimi."

Amaya would blink a few times, processing this as she finally was by the kitchen doorway, seeing Nishinoya with his hair down.


"Morning Amaya! I went out and got some stuff to make for breakfast and stopped by my house to change clothes." He was explaining as Amaya was pink in the face, her heart fluttering wildly.

"Oh... Thank you...?"

"No problem. You feeling any better??"

She nodded slowly before answering, "just a stuffed nose left but otherwise I'm feeling better. Congratulations on the winning streak so far."

"Thanks! We look forward to hearing the next team so we can go to finals. Coach Ukai hopes when we get to finals we can face Nekoma in a long time coming dumpster battle. It's a play on words because we're the crows and their the cats." He was so excited as he spoke, Amaya not paying no mind to the words coming from his mouth as she got lost in how he looked when he smiled.

"Why are you suddenly so hot....?" She mumbled making him stop to look at her.

"Um.... Excuse me?"

She would go wide eyed and swiftly ramble out, "it's suddenly so hot! Maybe I should go take a quick shower! Don't want to start up another fever heh heh heh...." He just watched her as she made a quick escape , shaking his head as he put the egg on top of each bowl of rice.

Amaya was now hidden in her bathroom, sitting on the floor as she felt her chest swell. It hurt a little as she began to contemplate what was happening. She had a huge crush on Nishinoya from the beginning, she was already aware. But even with the embarrassing fantasies of how he would kiss her and how sometimes she'd have very lucid dreams, she didn't have the issue before where she felt this need to be dressed up. She didn't have this desire to impress him before and to make matters worse she only recalled one time where she ran away like this from him and it was their second time meeting.

She would groan as she closed her eyes, struggling now when a knock on the bathroom door made her jump a bit.

"Hey, your boyfriend is blowing up your phone... Also breakfast is ready."


Amaya now would grab her head in frustration.

"No, no, no... This is not happening..." She began talking to herself as she began trying to force herself to be reasonable, "Kenma isn't my boyfriend- yet- and what if he comes through and goes through a whole lot of trouble but then I turn him down because I dont feel that strongly? Oh god what if he tries to kiss me again and I don't feel anything this time?!" She would hit herself over and over in the face, her palm colliding with her forehead, "stupid, stupid! You can't lead him on! But what if you break it off and find out your dumb crush doesn't like you back?! Oh god what do I do!?  What. Have. I. Done?!"

Nishinoya would be eating his food, waiting for Amaya to come out of the bathroom. He would take a moment to look around, noticing that while she was sick, her house looked more lived in. It wasn't until her phone rang again he seemed annoyed.

Kenma: ~7 unread messages~

Nishinoya would debate leaving now, starting to assume he would be pulling up to her house at this rate.

'Ill just send her message...'

Typing up real quick an excuse for why he might be gone while she's in the shower, he would hit send only to notice a difference between his name and Kenma's.

Kenma:~7 unread messages~
Nishinoya🧡: ~1 unread message~

Nishinoya couldn't help the smirk that crossed his features, seeing that heart next to his name. He would turn, heading out the door now with a rather confident pep to his step.

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