Who are you?

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It's Saturday and I'm at work it's only 6 pm so I patiently waiting for 7 to see my brother perform. I look over at the door and see 3 boys who look quite familiar. I have probably just seen them on the street somewhere.

Third person

3 young boys walk into the restaurant and sit down at a table talking to each other. The phone rings and a sleeveless brunette answer.

'Hey bro where are you?'

'Sorry man, just running a bit late traffic just order me a pizza I will be there in 10' another young voice comes from the phone.

Alya's pov

'Alya go and serve table 21 for me!' My manager yells from the register.

'On it!' I yell back running to the register and grabbing my pen and pad to write in. I walk over and lock eyes with one boy, brunette with bright and mysterious hazel eyes you can get lost in. Alya come on your working I snap myself out of my trans tearing my eyes from his. 'Hello there what can I get for you for day?' I say calmly trying to avoid the brunettes eye line.

'Hi, can we order a margarita pizza with a Diet Coke for our friend and I will have a chocolate milkshake with a cheese burger,' on boy said from the other side of the table placing the menu down, 'what you guys getting?'

'I will just have the salmon with water but can you not add pepper to it cause it makes my throat sore.' Another boy said.

'Make that 2 chocolate milkshakes and I will get a chicken wrap,' the brunette said with a grin on his face staring at me, 'thank you'

'No problem that will be with you shortly.' I say while walking away my cheeks burning red and a smile almost touching my ears.

Third person

The young brunette watched the blond girl walk away in amazement. 'Did you see her?'

'Yeh dude we all saw and we all saw the way she was looking at you.' On boy said from across the table the other silent in his thoughts.

The young boy took his leather jacket off and high fived the brunette and he was still in aw at the green eyed beauty.

The doors opened and a blond boy walks in and smiles and walks up to the table with the boys.

'What's up lads?' He says sitting next to the brunette.

'Luke just got a girlfriend' one young boy said.

'Who is it?' The blond asks

'No one I don't have a girlfriend,' the brunette kicked the other young boy in the shin, 'there's just a cute waitress what was staring at me'

'Ow man that hurt!' The young boys said while rubbing his shin.

'Well which waitress?' The blond asked.

Alya's pov

I got the food on my tray on went out the back to table 21. I get there only to see my brother. I always love seeing my brother but really at this table that must mean-

'Hey Als!' Alex says looking at me with a grin as I put the food on the table. I suddenly feel really embarrassed and I lock eyes with the brunette and I can feel my cheeks burn.

'Hi, let me get the rest of the food' I say walking away. Great the one guy, the one guy I find cute in the whole world I can't have cause me and Alex have a stupid pact that I can't date any of the band. Uhh it's fine just forget about it. I walk back over with the food.

Alex's pov

'Bro how do you know her?' Luke asks with a shocked expression.

'Bro that's my twin sister' I look at my friend to see him giggling to himself. 'what's so funny Reginald?'

'Nothing just Luke thinks she's cute.'

'Reggie!' Luke shouts slapping him from the other side of the table.

'Really?' Alex says in shock, 'well you can't have her remember no dating sisters.'

'I know I didn't think it was your sister.' Luke said as his attitude lowered.

Alya's pov

I get to the table and immediately lock eyes with the brunette and I pass him his food smirking and him passing me one back. I tare away as I pass Alex his food. 'Enjoy your food' I say and try to walk off. I feel a hand on my wrist pull me back.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now