Unsaid Emily

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'Hey' I softly say to Luke as I walk up to him once the boys had left.

'Hi' he fake smiles and gives me a small wave.

I sit down next to him on the floor and place my hand on his knee, 'you need to tell them'

'I know but there isn't a right time or anything' he complains.

'I don't care they need to know why your here'

'And they need to know about what happened to you in Australia' he snaps at me. What. He did not just bring that up.

'Don't act like you didn't tell them anyways'

Luke stayed silent. He had no response because he knew I was right. They keep giving me pity looks that I'm sick off. 'Sorry' he mumbles.

'It's fine' I relax my body and lift my head up and look at the ceiling.

Luke got up and walk over to his desk and opened his journal and started writing. I sat there looking at him wondering what was flowing out of his brain onto the paper.

I finally stand up the curiosity got the best of me. I look over at his journal and I see his scruffy handwriting. It's hard to read but I can just about read it.

I walk over to my guitar and throw it over my shoulder and stared playing a melody to go along with the lyrics, 'first things first' I mumble to myself as Luke turns around watching me play with a smile on his face, 'we start the scene in reverse' I mumble again, getting louder.

He places the journal on his lap and continues to write as I try and read it upside down.

'All of the lines rehearsed disappear from my mind' I take a deep breath as Luke stands up and grabs his guitar and plays along. 'When things got loud one of us running out' he smiles at me as my cheeks turn red. I walk over to the journal on top of the piano and continue to read, 'I should have turned around but I had to much pride'

'No time for goodbyes' Luke takes over. 'Didn't get to apologise pieces of a clock that lies broken'

I walk over to him as his lip quivers and his eyes turn a bright red. 'If I could take us back if I could just do that and write in every empty space the words I love you in replace then maybe time would not erase me' we sing together our voices merging perfectly together as a small smile appears on my face.

'If you could only know I'd never let you go and the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave' he sings as I look back at the note book. It's blank.

He takes a deep breath and continues to play with no lyrics, 'unsaid Emily' I look up at Luke and he smiles as if he likes the suggestion and continues to play.

'Silent day's mysteries and mistakes who'd be the first to break? I guess we're alike that way' Luke sings to the boys as I play softly in the background the next day as they say down listening.

'He said she said conversations in my head and that's just where they're gonna stay forever' I take over singing drawing from the same pain as Luke.

'If I could take us back if I could just do that and write in every empty space the words I love you in replace then maybe life would not erase me' we both sing as the boys stand up and rush over to their instruments and start playing long quietly trying to get the melody correct as me and Luke continued to let our hearts out, 'if you could only know I'd never let you go and the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave'

'Unsaid Emily' I sing as Luke looks deep into my eyes and walks up to me. The boys start singing as if they were in a choir.

'If I could take us back if I could just do that and write in every empty space the words I love you in replace maybe time would not erase me' Luke sings on his own as he faces me smiling as I play along.

'If you could only know I'd never let you go and the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave' we both sing as I stare into his dreamy eyes.

'Unsaid Emily' I smirk and fade the melody out.

The boys stared clapping as the dragged the melody out. I took my guitar off and hugged Luke tight. He sniffed and dug his face into my shoulder.

'Bro that's amazing' Alex smiles and hugs Luke.

'When did you come up with it?' Bobby asks.

'Last night with Alya' he responds and I smile.

'What's it based on?' Reggie asks.

'My mum' Luke mumbles. He turns around and looks me in the eyes. I reassure him and he turns back to the boys. 'I ran away'

'What?!' Reggie shouts shocked.

'What happened?' Bobby asks.

'Long story short I got in a fight and I just ran off and came here to see Alya' he admits. I'm so proud of him for admitting it.

The boys all have a group hug in silence. I was stood watching as Luke moves him arm open and I join in.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now