Im Alya

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Finally. I got off the plane in a rush. I want to sleep without being watched. It's weird and creepy. I smile at the flight attendants and leave the airport. The second I leave I am hit with humid heat. There was no air how do people survive in this climate. I see a bus stop outside and wait. I wait for about 20 minutes and no bus it's 15 minutes late. I waited longer because that was my only way to get to the boarding school. It turned up after a while. I got on and sat in the back. The sheets were purple and green. Ugly and somehow warm. Made me oddly uncomfortable. I pick up a wrinkled news paper and start reading. If I'm staying in Australia I need to know the news.

I was the last person on the bus and we stopped out side my new school. I thanked the bus driver and got off. Wow. I have no words. It's huge. It had red faded walls with a large school logo on the right side. Windows everywhere almost as if there was no walls but they were al blackout windows. I walk threw the doors with my suit case tight in my hand.

I walk up to a lady at reception, 'how May i help you today?' She asks.

'H-Hi I'm new checking in' I reply nervously.

'Name?' She asks typing on her computer make me even more nervous.

'Alya,' I take a deep breath, 'Alya Mercer'



'Well Alya here is your key,' she hands me a old silver key and smiles, 'your room number is 12, 2nd floor and you have 2 roommates'

'Thank you' I smile and take the key. The place is so big I don't know where I'm going. I start looking around and find the elevator. I walk in as I scare my self with the mirror. Floor 2, room 12. I continue to repeat in my head as I hold the key tightly. The elevator stops and opens and I see 2 boys waiting to go in. I step out and swerve around them as they smile at me.

Room 12. Here! thank the lord. I put my key in and unlock the door to see 2 girls on one bed one doing the others make up. I new I should have knocked know they are starting at me.

'I'm so sorry I knew I should have knocked' I panic.

'Don't worry about it' one girl says as she stands up to great me, 'you Alya?' I nod my head, 'come on in' she shuts the door behind me and shows me to a bed, 'this is your bed and this is mine and that's Abbies' Abbie smiles at me.

She seemed around 5'5 so not much taller then me and the other girl seemed 5'7. Abbie had dark chocolate coloured hair with brown eyes and a very strong bone structure. Her jawline could slice you in half. She is very pretty. Her skin is pale and smooth. She seemed perfect.

'Oh and my name is molly' the other girl says sitting on her bed and the opposite side of the room.

Molly had long blond with dark blue eyes and freckles. She was quite thin but yet muscular. They girls seemed so sweet.

I smile at her and sit on my bed. The wall is an off white colour and it's plain. There are 2 shelves, one above my head board and a long one on the other wall that the bed was against.

'Well it's nice to meet you' I say politely.

'Well if we are going to be roommates we need to know stuff about you we are going to be like besties' Abbie speaks up.

'Okay well I'm from LA, I have a older twin brother and I'm in a band' I say placing my suitcase on my bed.

'Wait your in a band' molly says in shock, 'that's sick!'

'Is your brother good looking?' Abbie asks jokingly.

'He's gay' I laugh.

'That's not what I asked' she smiles.

'What do you play?' Molly asks intrigued.

'I'm lead singer with Luke and play a bit of guitar but I'm still learning' I say putting my hand in my pocket and pull out the small black box and smiling at it.

'Who's Luke?' Molly asks looking at the box and back up at me, 'what's that?'

'Luke? He's,' I feel my face turn red as I think about him? 'He's the other lead singer and guitarist he's teaching me how to play, he's amazingly talented'

'Looks like you have a crush on a guy with 4 letters,' Abbie jokes to me.

'No I don't' I deny.

'L-U-K-E' they both shout spelling his name.

'Fine maybe a little' I confess, 'right enough about me tell me about you'

'Well i have a boyfriend called James  he's from LA as well and he's training to be a magician just like his dad was' Molly smiles.

'Was?' I ask.

'Yeh his dad died a while ago due to a magic trick gone wrong' she replies.

'How old is James?' Abbie asks.

'He's 24' she says looking down at her lap.

'Hold up so your like 8 years apart?' I ask.

'Yeh but it's fine' she worries, 'please don't tell anyone'

'We won't' Abbie says sitting next to her.

'Yeh we won't what is said or done in this room stays in this room' I say.

'Thanks' molly smiles.

'Right me next,' Abbie jumps, 'well I'm single, I'm not in a band, don't have a crush on anyone, not dating a old man so I'm pretty boring' I laugh at her sarcasm, 'I do ballet and didn't want to come to this school I got forced but looks like I have made 2 friends for my first day'

'Same' I speak up.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now