New guitar

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I hear the door open and I shoot my head up and wipe my tear stained cheeks. Molly walks in alone and looks at me. She shuts the door behind her and walks over to me nervously.

'Hey?' She questions.

'Hi' I mumble.

'Are you okay?'

I look at my guitar and look back at her dead in the eyes 'Does it look like I'm fine?'

'I'm sorry for letting her in I didn't think she'd steel anything'

'Well you thought wrong' I take a deep breath, 'if you want to be friends with her go that's fine it doesn't effect me but if I see her in this room there will be hell to pay for what she just did'

'I know and I'm sorry I can't take it back but I care about you and I want to know if your alright!' She shouts at me in tears.

'I'm fine' I mumble.

'Right' she looks at me and walks out the dorm room.

I sit there in silence staring at the door waiting for her to walk in. Who does she think she is bringing a girl who doesn't like me into our room.

A few hours pass and I get an idea. I get out of bed and walk outside. Everyone was in the halls it was cramped. I squeezed past everyone with them staring at me.

I got to the construction room and knocked on the door. A teacher opens the door and sits back down at his desk as I follow him in.

'Sir I was wondering if you could help me fix something' I ask politely.

'What is it?' He asks.

'Well Ruby broke my guitar and I wanted to fix it'

'Okay well tomorrow bring it down and I will see what we can do'

'Thank you' I smile and walk out. Yes! We can fix it. Hopefully.

I walk up the stairs to my dorm and school has finished so there was a few people in the corridors but most people where outside.

I try to open the door but it's locked. Great I left my key inside. I knock on the door but no answer. I'm locked out fabulous. I don't know what to do know then.

I decide to walk around the school for a bit. I keep my head down and nobody spoke to me. I walk back upstairs and the door is open. I walk inside and Abbie is on her bed reading.

'Hey' she says putting the book down.

'Hi' I mumble back.

'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine'

'Good' she says. There is a moment of silence, 'Luke called'

'What did he say?'

'He was just checking in on you he want you to ring him back'

'Thanks' I say walking over to the phone. I dial his number and wait for him to pick up.


'Hey Luke it's your favourite person'

'Sure' he giggles, 'how are you doing?'

'I'm better'

'Glad to hear it' He says in relief. I smile and look back at Abbie listening in while reading her book. 'Know what happened?' I take a deep breath and tell him everything. 'What!'

'I know' I says back. 'Anyways how's the song coming alone?'

'It's good for the first virus down'

'Can I hear?'


'What why?'

'You will get a live performance when it's ready' he teases.

'Wow i hate you'

'You know you love me'

'Maybe' I giggle as he laughs back.


I get up the next day and grab my guitar and head down stairs to the construction room. 'Morning sir'

'Morning Alya' he says shooting his head up, 'let's have a look at the guitar then' I hand him my guitar shaking. He takes a look at it and feels the wood and lifts it up to have a better look. 'Hmm' what does that mean?! 'I can fix this'

'Thank god' I smile and breath a sigh of relief. 'How long will it take?'

'A few hours don't worry I can do it on my own you go and get some rest and come back at the end of the school day' he smile and places the guitar back on the table.

'Thank you' I smile and head to the door. I walk out and practically skip up the stairs in excitement.

I come back at the end of the school day from a long day of nothing and knock on his door.

'Come in' he shouts on the other side of the door.

'Hi sir how is it going?' I say walking in the room.

'It's going great' he smiles. I sit down at a desk watching him replace the broken cord with a new one. 'And done!'

'Wait really?!' I jump up.


I look down at the guitar. It looks as good as new, 'thank you so much! How can I repay you?'

'Well,' he pauses as I look at him, 'come back tomorrow and you can do me a quick favour'

'What is it?' I ask.

'I just need some help putting up some posters'

'No problem I am back in classes tomorrow so it will be after the school day like 5 because I also have cheer practice'

'Thanks no problem see you there' he smiles and I take my guitar of the table and head out with a massive grin on my face.


The next day I had my boring lesson again. Uhh I hate maths so much. I dragged my feet all the way to maths in some black leggings and a white crop top. I had nothing else to wear the rest was in the wash. I got a lot of looks which made me feel self conscious but I kept my head up high and ignored them. I looked at Ryan from across the class room who was looking back at me and he thought I didn't notice. He's not very sneaky. I listen to
the lesson and start on the task.

Maths finally ended what a drag. I walked to my room and got dressed. I put on a short white skort  and kept the white crop top on for cheer practice. I threw a jacket over my shoulders not thinking of it and walked to the hall were everyone was getting ready for practice.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now