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'What are you guys wearing?' I ask the girls. I have no idea what to wear. Ahh it needs to be cute.

'It's just a party I was just going to put jeans on with a top' Abbie reply's.

'What! It's a party you got to dress up' I shout.

'I'm excited to see you at Halloween then' molly laughs.

'Well you won't' I say turning to look in my wardrobe.

'Why?' Molly asks.

'I'm going home for a week'

'Oh yeh' Abbie says, 'i live with my auntie she lives only an hour away so I can stay'

'Thats so cool' I say.

'Yeh but I miss my mum she lives in Canada and I can only see her on long holidays because she's usually working' She mumbles.

'I'm sorry' molly says putting her arm over Abbie.

'It's fine know' Abbie jumps up and walks over to my wardrobe and pushes me aside, 'let's see'

I sit next to Molly on her bed as we watch Abbie go threw my wardrobe.

'No, no, nope' she says taking things out, 'ooo this is cute' she pulls out my black dress.

'That is cute' molly agrees.

'Yeh' I mumble.

'Go put it on' Abbie says throwing it at me. I get up and walk into the bathroom and slip it on. I look in the mirror. All I can think of is Luke. It was the same dress where we had our first danced and I wrote Finally Falling. I step out in it.

'Tada' I say shaking my hands.

Molly and Abbie share a look, 'Your wearing that!' Abbie shouts.

'You look gorgeous' molly adds.

'Thanks guys but I don't know' I say looking at the floor.

'Why?' Molly asks.

'It reminds me of Luke' I mumble.

'Luke' Abbie whispers. I nod my head fiddling with the necklace he gave me.

'Well you need to get over him anyways and your already half way there' molly jumps off the bed over to me.

'What?' I question.

'Well you like Ryan' molly answers.

'I don't'

'You do a little' Abbie adds. I can feel my cheeks turn light pink at the mention of his name.

'Exactly!' Molly shouts.

'Uh fine I'll wear the dress' I give up. I sit on my bed and put some shoes on and lie in bed re reading the note that Luke gave me.


I hear a knock at the door and a voice from the other end, 'it's seven'

A smile suddenly appears on my face as I get up and open the door.

'Hey' I say looking at him.

'Wow you look amazing' he smiles. I start blushing.

'Thanks you don't looks so bad yourself' I joke. He laughs.

'Well come on then' he says and puts his arm out.

'I'll see you there!' I shout to the girls in the room, 'let's go' I shut the door behind he and I hold Ryan's hand.


Luke's pov

'Seven' I mumble as I look at the time. I'm sat in my room at my desk. Nothing is coming to my head for lyrics. I get my journal and go down stairs, 'mum I'm going to Bobby's!'

'Okay sweet heart' my mum shouts from the kitchen. I go outside and get on my bike and peddle down to the studio. When I get there the door is unlocked so I walk in to a dark room. I close the door behind me and sit down on my couch. I open my journal and flip to a page and see a small paragraph that's clearly not my handwriting it read:

Hey my second in charge. If your reading this then I'm already in Australia. And I wrote this when you were asleep. Don't forget me because I won't forget you. Don't worry I promised you I will still play and get better at guitar so when I see you I'm going to blow your mind. Oh and if the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you. From your princess.

I smile at the page and read it again. As some ideas for lyrics start flowing three my head. I flip the page and start writing.

Alya's pov

Me and Ryan make our way down to the party on the beach and see lights everywhere.

'You hungry?' He asks.

'I could eat you?' I reply still holding his hand.

'Come on then' he pulls me and we start running to the beach bar. 'What do you want?'

'Can just get some coke and a cheese burger please' I say to the bartender. 'What do you want?'

'I'll have the same' he says pulling out some money.

'No put it ways I'll get it' I say putting my bag on the counter.

'Shut up blondie' he says giving the money to the bartender.

'But your blond?!'

'Shhh I'm paying' he laughs. We go and sit down and some people surrounded us.

'What do you guys want?' I ask.

'Who's that?' One asks Ryan.

'That's Alya she's new' he reply's. I give them a fake smile. What are they doing.

'Nice to meet you' another one says, 'Callum'

'Daniel' the other one says.

'Ben' the last one chirps in. He turns to Ryan and whispers, 'she's cute'

'I know' he whispers back to him but I could hear and I went bright red. They grab chairs and sit with us as someone comes over and gives us our food. I actually got along really well with them.

We finished eating and everyone was dancing on the beach. 'You wanna dance?' Ryan asks me. I smile at him and grab his hand and we start dancing on the sand. He spins me around and I trip due to my heels. Ryan catches me and pulls me back up. 'Careful' he giggles.

'Let me take them off' I laugh. I take my shoes off and place them on the floor next to where we were dancing. Next thing I know I see Danial run past us and steel my shoes. 'What the heck Danial!' I shout after him.

'Come and get them' he smiles as I start chasing him around the beach. I run past Ryan as he sits on the sand laughing at me. Then Ben tackles Danial and I trip over them so we are all face down on the sand. I pick myself up laughing so hard I needed to pee.

'I'm going toilet' I say laughing.

'Have fun!' Ben shouts still squishing Danial.

I walk off to the toilets and as I get there guess who shows up. Ruby and her quote on quote gang.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now