Prank wars

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Alex drove us to the studio as I walked in I was in shock it was a garage but how was it this big it could be the same size as our house. I looked around and locked eyes with Luke uhh.

'What's she doing here?' Luke asks.

'Didnt you tell Alex to bring her' Reggie started, 'ohhhh never mind'

I walk up to Luke and he walks up to me acting big our faces that close we could kiss I look him up and down and whisper, 'well clearly you wanted he here so I guess I'm here just for you' Luke doesn't respond he just smiles and walks away, 'and I'm bored and have ideas so let's get to work' clapping my hands together.

'And who made you in charge princesses?' Luke teases.


'Right' Luke scoffs

'She's a bit cocky' Bobby whispers to Alex.

'She just had some ideas for the band and Luke just annoys her don't worry.' Alex whispers back.

Everyone gets in there places and I walk up to them. 'No let's change this Luke go in the middle, Reggie on his right and Bobby on his left and Alex you stay there' I say.

'Why?' Bobby asks

'Luke is lead singer so he should be in the middle and it just looks better,' I say and they all look at each over and say nothing so I grab Luke by the arm and move him to the middle and switch Bobby and Reggie, 'there better already!'

'This feels right' Reggie admits. I smile at him and look back at Luke.

'Uhh fine it does feel better' Luke admits re placing he guitar on his shoulder.

'I told you I'm good' I smile and sit on the couch.

'Right your majesty would you like a drink too' Luke teases.

'That might be nice jester' I tease back as he looks at me with a annoyed look so I start laughing.

They play a few songs and after that we all sit down talking and Luke goes to the toilet. I watch him leave and reach into my backpack and pull out a air horn and duck tape.

'Which one is Luke's chair?' I asks trying to be quiet. Alex points at his chair next to the desk. I walk over and tape the air horn to the bottom and run back to the couch taking Luke spot with my feet as he walks back in.

'Move' Luke says standing in front of me.

'No in comfy' I laugh. He try's to move my feet but Alex moves his legs there instead. I burst out laughing as Luke walked up to his chair and pulled it over.

'Happy know?' He says cockily as me and Alex are spread all over the couch. He sits down and all we here is a girly scream come from Luke as he jumps of the chair and lies on the floor in fright. We all burst out laughing almost wetting ourselves as Luke was scared to death. He finally get up and sees the air horn and walks up to me and kneels down to my head and whispers, 'your so dead Mercer'


Third person

A few days had passed and the blond was back in the garage they were all laughing that loud people from outside could hear them. The emerald eyed girl got up to go to the bathroom and when she left the brunette got a bucket of water and stood m out side of the bathroom door waiting for the blond.

She walked out to get drenched in water. She wiped her eyes to get the water out and her mascara started running and she could see it on her fingers. She looked back up at the brunette and ran after him as he tried to escape the blond.

'I'm going to kill you!' She shouts as all the other boys laugh as the brunette hides behind the chair.


Alya's pov

It was the next day and I'm going to get Luke back so I get the pack of Oreos out of the cabinet and opened some and ate the cream and replaced it with toothpaste and stuffed them back in the cabinet. An hour later Luke come over with Alex. Bobby and Reggie wasn't there they were busy or something I don't know I was focused on getting Luke to eat toothpaste.

'I'm hungry,' I say opening the cabinet and take out the Oreos and  place them on the table and eat one with out the toothpaste, 'you guys want some?'

'of course who doesn't love Oreos' Luke's says going to grab one with toothpaste in I'm trying to keep a straight face, 'what why are you looking at me like that?'

'Nothing you just have dirt on your face.' I say trying to play it  off cool. He shoved the whole thing in his mouth and bit into it and I could see his face change as he ran over to the bin and spit it out and I burst out laughing as he looked up and gave me a death stair. I end up falling of my chair in laughing that much.

'Ha Karma!' Luke shouts and all of us start laughing.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now