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'Have you got everything?!' My mum shouts to me.

'Yes!' I shout back walking down the stairs wiping a tear from my cheek.

'Come on we need to get going' she walks out the house and sits in the car waiting for me. I turn around and see Alex crying. I hug him and wipe his tears with my thumb.

'I'll see you soon okay?' I say walking out the door.

'Okay' he reply's, 'call me when you get there'

'I will'

I get in the car with my mum. My dad was nowhere to be seen. Nice to know he wants to see his daughter leave. Sarcasm if you couldn't tell. The car was silent as I stared out of the window ignoring my mum for forcing me to go. The boys are going school today as well I hope it goes well.

Luke's pov

I get to school and see my friends stood outside in silence. I miss Alya already even though I saw her 2 hours ago. Everyone seemed life less and we needed something to brighten up the mood.

'Come on guys cheer up she's going to ring later' I say reassuring them.

'Yeh I mean it's just weird with out her' Reggie says looking down at his feet.

'We'll just think of it as she is sick' I say. They nod there heads and we all walk into school. They seemed in a bit of a better mood but still a bit down. We went to our lockers and Amelia and her minions walks up to us. She's the popular girl of the school. Only because her dad has money. She's annoying but we have to nice to her so we can get noticed by her dad. Her dad owns a record company. And because we're in a band, know not going to lie we are getting noticed by the girls in our school. Reggie and Bobby seem really happy about it but I just wanted to see Alya again.

'Hey lukie' Amelia says and touches my arm. I move it away and shut my locker.

'Don't call me that' I say walking away. So much for trying to be nice.

'Sorry!' She says catching up with me, 'hi Luke'

'Hi Amelia' I roll my eyes. Her voice goes threw me.

'I have a question'

'What is it?'

'Since when did you let that blond freak into your band?' She frowns. Wow right that changed up quick. Her voice went deeper and her face dropped as she mentioned Alya.

'Why do you care?' I ask.

'Well she can't sing and she's ugly' she mumbles, 'and she's a girl'

'And what's so wrong with that?!' I snap.

'Well there is no such thing as a girl in a rock band it's just not right'

'She deserves to be apart of it she's more talented then half of the musicians in the world'

'I was just saying' she walks off back to her minions and I scoff. I have no words. Just ew. I walk into English class and I'm sit down. Im to tried to concentrate on my work but my mind continues to wonder back to how Alya is doing.

Alya's pov

I get out of the car and take my bags out of the boot and my mum doesn't get out of the car.

'Are you not coming in?' I ask.

'Nope I have things to do have fun' she shouts out the window and drives off leaving me speechless. What! I don't know what I'm doing the last time I went on a plane was when I was 7 I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing.

I walk in and see people queueing up so I follow them and wait in like fiddling with my fingers. I get to the front of the line and I give her my bags and they go into the back building. She lets me leave and I walk into the next room.

I still don't have a clue what I'm doing but I think this is the security thing. I wait in a line which  seems like it's taking forever. Come on people be slower! Finally my turn. I put my carry ons in a try with my watch and earrings. And I step threw the machine. It went red and started buzzing.

'Come with us miss' a security shouts from behind me as he grabs my arm. I panic and start shaking and he takes me into a room. 'Do you have anything on you that is metal?'

'No I took my watch and earrings off I don't think I have anything else' I ramble.

'Miss I need to to calm down' he says.

'I'm sorry I haven't been to an airport before on my own' I mumble.

'Why are you in your own?' He asks.

'I'm going to a boarding school my mum is forcing me to go to' I reply.

'Okay well I will need to pat you down' he says as he puts my arms above my head. He pats me down and feels a box inside my hoodie. 'What's this?'

I look at it and I don't recognise it. Oh yeh it's probably Luke's it's his hoodie, 'I didn't know that was in here you see it's my friends hoodie'

He frowns at me and opens the box and hands it back to me, 'you can go'

'Thank you' I walk out and grab my carry ons and walk on the plane. I was about to be late because of that. I show the flight attendants my passport and they let me on with a smile. I walk past them and frantically look around for my seat number. 5G. There it is. Ooo it's a window seat. I sit down because my bag isn't big I can fit it on the floor and in the pouch on the back of the chair in front of me. A young man sits down next to me and smiles but stays silent.

The plane takes off and I jolt back gripping to the handles for dear life. I look out the window as we go into the sky. It's really pretty and I slowly release my grasp from the handles. Few this isn't so bad. I look out of the window for a while admiring the view listening to the radio. After a few hours I grab my neck pillow from my bag and I put it around my neck and fall asleep.

I wake up to the plane moving up and down. 'Sorry everyone we are just experiencing some turbulence at the moment we will be back to normal soon' a woman said from the speakers. Turbulence great I'm going to die tell Alex I love him. I squeeze the handles again and the plane starts to go steadily again. Yes! I relax and reach into my pockets and feel that box. I forgot that.

It was a small black box nothing special. I open it and see dark grey foam holding up a black guitar pick. There was a small folded note inside so I took the note out and opened it and it was Luke's messy hand writing. It read:

Hey Alya, I miss you already and I can tell the others do as well. It won't be the same without you performing or practicing with us but we will see you soon. But this is that other presents I was on about the other night. So you don't forget us. Here is my favourite guitar pick sighed/engraved by me and the boys. Have fun at school princess. See you soon.

I feel a tear fall down my face and my cheeks feel like their on fire. I put the note back in the box and hold the guitar pick in my hand. And smile at it. Its just a plane white and back pick but it was Luke's lucky one so it means a lot. I fliped it over and see the boys signatures on it. I put it back in the box and put it back in my pocket and smile looking out of the window.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now