What are you doing?!

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Everyone was already there stretching and guess who I see running the practice. Ruby and her little gang. Great so that's cheering ruined as well. I mean I don't want to do it in the first place but I need something to take my mind of everything.

'Um this is cheer practice the loser squad is in 2 hours' I hear Ruby shout to me as I walk in.

'I know' I say with a fake smile finding a empty space on the floor to stretch.

'Do you have a slip to-' she says clearly getting angry. I interrupt her by pushing the slip in her face.


'Okay' she scoff and walks back to the front. I smiled to myself and continued to stretch. 'Right' Ruby shouts jumping up clapping her hands. Everyone shoots up to listen to her. Why is everyone scared of her? 'So spilt into 2 groups and go in the corners we will be doing some tumbling!' I walk over to the top right corner with some over girls keeping my head down. Ruby was stood in the centre of the room. 'So I want to see your moves so show me what you can do,' she looks me dead in the eyes, 'unless you can't do anything you better just leave!'

I'm going to kill her one day. But not to day. I hope. Everyone sets of tumbling and they are all really good then it was my turn. I took a deep breath and stared to do a small run and do a front flip into a cartwheel. I get the right way up and Ruby was giving me a dirty look so I smiled at her.


When cheer was over I grabbed my bag and headed down to the construction room. I didn't want to talk to Ruby after the embarrassment she tried to put me threw luckily for me I use to do cheer when I was a kid so I knew what I was doing.

'Hi sir' I say walking into his room.

'Hi Alya' he looks up at me and leans back in his chair.

'Im done with cheer so what can I help you with?' I ask placing my bag down on the table.

'Well I need you to get up on those ladders and staple theses papers to the wall' he smiles and stands up, 'I would do it myself but I have a bad back'

'Don't worry about it' I say walking over to the ladders.

'So climb up and I will pass you the stuff'

I climb up as he is stood underneath me, 'you can pass me the stuff know' he gives me the staple gun and some papers.

'How was cheer?' He asks.

'It was alright just Ruby continued to single me out'

'And how's the guitar?'

'It's as good as new it looks exactly the same as when Luke gave it to me'

'Who's Luke?'

'He's a friend in LA'

'Is he your boyfriend?'

'Well' I take a breath to think, 'not exactly'

'So your single?'

'Yeh I guess' I say stapling the last paper in the wall, 'is that all?'

'Just a few more' he says handing me a some more. I turn back around to staple them. I get half way and I turn to look at him to get reassurance that I'm putting it in the right spot but he wasn't looking at that. I could barely see him. He was squatting down under the ladders looking up. I suddenly readjusted me legs and put me feet together. What the hell?! Was he looking up my skirt?! No, was he? I did not know but I was wearing a skort anyway so he couldn't see anyways. 'Dam it' I hear him mumble below me.

'What's wrong?' I ask pretending I didn't know what he was doing. He might not have been. But it seemed like it. I look back at him and he jumps up.

'Nothing just put it a bit to the right' he smiles. I turn back and finish doing it. I only finished it because he did help with my guitar.

'Done' I say walking down the ladders. I walk over to my bag and put it on. 'Is that all?'

'Yeh you can go' he says walking me to the door. I go to open the door and he stands in the way of the handle and looks at me as I shoot my head down. What is going on?

'Is there someone wrong?' I ask slightly shaking.

'Just one problem' he smirks.

I look up at him in confusion and he places his finger tips on my wrist. I try to tug it away but he wraps his hand around it and spins me around making be fall back first against the door as he keeps hold of my wrist. I try to open the door with my free hand but my arm slips from the sweat dripping of them. I suddenly feel really warm.

'Is is hot in here or that just me?' I ask trying to take my mind of what is happening and hoping he will let go of my wrist.

'It is hot' he grins at me. I feel his cold fingers make there way up my arm until it reaches my shoulder, 'I have an idea to make it cooler' he mumbles looking down at my chest.

'W-what are you doing?' I say with a shaky voice.

'Making it cooler'

He removes his hand from by shoulder and places it on my left breast and tried to undo the buttons on my shirt. I start to panic I mean any normal person would. I look up at the sky taking a deep breath looking back down at him. He had already undone one button and went down to the second one. I had an idea to escape his grasp but it was a risky move. I try to relax and focus on my breathing. I look into his eyes as he looks up from undoing the second button. There is only 3 left. He could already see half of my bra.

I put my hand on his chest and he gets excited and leans closer to me so close we could kiss. He removes his hands from my shirts and puts one on my shoulder and the other on the door. I have both my hands on his chest as he leans in and try's to kiss me. There was no space for me to move my head and i felt his lips touch mine. I couldn't pull away because my head was against the door and my plan was coming together. He pulls a away and keeps one hand on the door and the other moves back to the third button.

I take another deep breath and hold it is as I slash my leg up hitting him where it hurts. His eyes widen in pain as he moves his arms of me and leans over a little bit. I elbowed him in the back and he fell on the floor. I breathed out in relief he tried to stand up and I made a run for it.

I ran without thinking with tears falling onto my cheeks burned. My muscles hurt from tensing them as I ran up the stairs to the nurses office.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now