Last night

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The little girl let's go of my hand and I couldn't see a thing. I turn back to the door but it slams shuts. I quickly turn back around to try and see something or so I don't get kidnapped. I start to hear a familiar sound as I look and realise it's the background music for Finally falling. Then a small spot light appears on the stage with no one there. I smile at the stage thinking of the song I wrote for Luke. Then there he appeared. He stepped in to the light singing falling as more spotlights go into the other boys. Small light comes on from behind me and I see a massive crowed watching them. I smile directly at Luke as one more spotlight appears over me. I look up and see everyone is staring at me. I run up to the stage and grab the spare microphone and start singing the second I join it the crowed goes wild and I smile down at everyone watching me. They actually enjoy me. They like me! What! I must be dreaming.

I look behind me to see Alex playing his heart out, Reggie with a gleam in his eyes and Bobby grinning at me. I turn back and lock eyes with Luke. I try to tear away but I couldn't break the hold he had over me. He smiles at me and I wink back. As he walks over to me strumming in his guitar. We were so close.

The crowed went wild as we bowed at the end of the song. I turned back to Luke and hugged him tight I didn't want to let go. His smell made me feel safe in his arms. Then Luke turns me around still holding my hand and I see a cake that says in pink messy hand writing well moss uou. I look back at Luke and laugh.

'Is it that obvious I wrote it?' He smiles.

'Yes!' I giggle and I sat down and got the waiter came over with a 5 plates and forks.

'Let's go!' Luke says sitting next to me about to take a slice. I slap his hand away, 'what?!'

'Mine' I whisper. The boys all laugh at me as I dug my fork into the cake. 'Fine take a slice' i sigh to the boys and we all sit on the floor eating and talking, but all I could think of is in a day I might never see them again.

'Oh yeh,' Luke blurts out, 'I have good news'

'What is it?' I ask hopping I will forget about my past thoughts.

'I got some dude to record it he owns a studio and he putting it on a tape to send to managers' he says and everyone's face lights up. Mine don't because I won't be here for any event but I am happy for them just upset that mum did this to me. 'What's up Alya? Is that not good?'

'No it is I'm happy for you guys' say fake smiling.

'For us guys it involves you aswell' Reggie adds.

'It doesn't because I won't be here remember' I say glumly, 'sorry to ruin the mood'

'Don't worry about it' Bobby says shoving the last peace of cake in his mouth, 'it's your party'


We got back to the studio and I lay on the sleeping bag staring at the roof.

'Alya!' Reggie shouts from upstairs.

'Yeh!' I shout back but no reply, 'yes?!' Uhhh why don't they answer. I walked upstairs to where they all were and see them all standing in a line. 'What have you done know?'

'Nothing we all have a present for you' Luke says trying reassure us.

'You guys didn't have to' I say looking into Luke's eyes as I sit on a chair.

'Well we don't want don't want you to forget us' Reggie buts in.

'I'll be gone 2 weeks and I will see you again but don't worry I will make them kick me out' I smile at Reggie.

''Well we still want you to take them' Luke says as Bobby gives me a small box.

'It's not much but' he mumbles. I smile and unwrap it. It was a chocolate brown frame with a picture of all 5 of us. Me on Luke's back and Bobby on Reggie's and Alex stood in the middle. I smile down at the photo as it sat perfectly in the frame and jumped up and hugged Bobby.

'Thank you' I whisper trying not to cry.

'Me next!' Reggie shouts and runs over. He hands me something flat. It looks like paper. 'Be carful don't rip it' he smiles. I unwrap it carefully and it was a battered menu from my work. I look up at him a bit confused. 'It's the same from the day we met I took it' I laugh and hug him tightly.

'Your not supposed to take these' I tease. He only smiles and sits down next to Bobby.

'Here go' Alex hands me a tape.

'What's on it?' I ask.

'I guess we'll never know' He reply's.

'So your not going to tell me?'

'Nope you will have to see it in Australia' He teases me.

'Please!' I beg. He keeps a straight face. Uh I hate him sometimes.

'Okay open mine' Luke says waking up to me, 'I have another one for you later' he winks at me. I  smile and feel my cheeks go red as I open the small box. A silver necklace lay on a pile silk fabric. I take the necklace out and read the engraved letters it spelt your my rockstar and a small guitar charm hanging next to it.

I looked up at Luke and hug him tight. As he held me in his arm and takes the necklace out of my hand and turns me around. He gently wraps it around my neck and hooks the clasp shut. I turn back to him and smile.

'It suits you' he whispers.

'Thanks' I whisper back and turning to the others showing them.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now